Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Film Photography

Rakta Charitra - Most people today own a digital camera. The superfluous number of models on the market has made photography a hobby and activity that is no longer restricted to the professional. Further, with social networking websites and the online world, digital photos are easily shared and stored. But as with most technological developments that signify a departure from traditional or longstanding practices, a dialogue has emerged as to the benefits of digital versus film photography. The portability and ease of the digital camera makes it a more popular amateur photography option. However for professionals, there is still an argument as to the merits of both film and digital photographic cameras, with both versions still in use today. Here’s a quick rundown of the advantages of both digital and film photography.

Advantages of digital photography

Instant review of pictures. Digital cameras allow photographers to assess the lighting and composition of their work immediately after taking a photograph. If need be, they can simply recapture the image.

Fewer ongoing costs. Once a digital camera has been purchased, it costs very little to take, and store, hundreds or even thousands of digital photographs.

Various functions and settings. Digital cameras can be used to capture videos as well as photographs, and there are a number of settings through which the photographs can be taken, such as sepia and black and white.

Metadata. Digital cameras are embedded with metadata. The time, date and model of camera are all recorded with the image and form part of the image’s memory.

Digital manipulation. Once a digital photograph has been transferred from the camera to the computer, it is easy to digitally manipulate, retouch or affect the image.

Advantages of film photography

Better to capture detail. Film photography can pick up and capture greater variations between light and dark, making black and white film photography preferable to digital.

Photo quality. Film cameras produce photographs with higher definition than digital photography. For larger photographic prints, film cameras produce much higher definition and clarity than their digital counterparts.

Cost. For amateur or hobby photographers, digital cameras are affordable, easy to use and perfect for capturing special moments. For the professional, however, quality film cameras are significantly cheaper than their digital counterparts. Furthermore, because new digital models are continuously hitting the market, digital cameras tend to lose value rather quickly while film cameras usually retain their value over the years.

Aesthetics and tradition. Many photographers vouch for an aesthetic quality to film photography that cannot be replicated by digital cameras. Such advocates are also often drawn to the tradition and history of film photography.

There are pros and cons to both film and digital photography. For many photographers, however, the final decision rests on their personal style and their budget. Or, many dabble in a little bit of both! To find out more about photography and the differences between digital and film, there is a range of photography courses available. If you don’t have time to attend classes, it is possible to study via distance education and learn the ins-and-outs of the trade on your own time.

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Make Song Asmara Agnes Monica

Presenter and singer Olga Syahputra request made song by Agnes Monica. The song is about love Olga.

"I now again ask the same song Agnetha Faltskog. The song tells like my romance problems," said Olga Syahputra when met on the sidelines of the opening of Takigawa his own restaurant in Kemang, South Jakarta, on Monday (27 / 9) night.

Olga claims not yet ready to enter the kitchen despite record producer had asked him repeatedly.

"Now I'm not ready to enter the kitchen recordings, even though the producer had asked me. If you want this day my heart just can not want," he explained.

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

2,3 Juta Aplikasi Terjual Di Ovi Store ‎

Harga Nokia X5 - Setelah berjalan selama satu setengah tahun, Ovi Store mencatat 2,3 juta aplikasi telah diunduh setiap harinya dari toko aplikasi Nokia itu.

Nokia X5 - Menurut pengumuman Nokia, setiap hari terdapat 220 ribu pendaftar toko aplikasi tersebut dengan pelanggan aktif sebanyak 140 juta pengguna di dunia. Diantara pengembang yang membuat aplikasi untuk mobile phone, 70 diantaranya telah melampaui satu juta pengunduh.

Mereka adalah pengembang Electronic Arts, Gameloft, Indiagames, PepsiCo, HeroCraft, dan offscreen Technologies. Permainan HeroCraft's Farm Frenzy, misalnya telah melewati dari 10 juta download, sementara aplikasi layar sentuh offscreen telah diunduh sebanyak 45 juta kali.

Sejak diluncurkan pada Mei 2009, Ovi Store menjadi jawaban bagi pengguna ponsel Nokia yang ingin menambahkan aplikasi tertentu pada ponselnya. Meski awalnya dianggap kurang ramah pengguna, Nokia terus memperbaiki tampilan dan cara yang mudah untuk melacak konten.

Baru-baru ini Nokia juga menggelar kontes untuk mendorong pengembang menciptakan aplikasi khusus untuk pelanggan di Amerika Utara. Hadiah yang ditawarkan untuk pengembang adalah US$ 10 juta.

Minggu, 12 September 2010

Suzuki S SkyDrive

Harga Honda - Modifications skutik hommage à low rider a dominé les deux marques, Honda et Yamaha. Pour les autres marques, telles que Suzuki a été compté avec les doigts. En outre, ces expériences montrent que si la marque est moins stable si vous allonger l'axe de roue parce que le undurnya modèle devenue différente.

Honda - Ce facteur rend Hendri Chopper de Roda Jaya automobiles (RJM) à Malang, Java-Est, a été mis au défi de modifier le SkyDrive Suzuki 2009. En outre, l'utilisation de retrait-retirer jusqu'à 30 cm, "Il se sent très instable", histoire Hendri.

La solution, Hendri ajoutant stabilisateur de ces moteurs en se fondant sur les variations de l'original sokbreker buiat Yamaha Mio. "Par conséquent, si vu un coup d'œil par derrière comme il ya deux sokbreker. En fait, qui fonctionnent comme des amortisseurs de suspension n'est qu'un sokbreker," tergas rpia 30 ans cette année.

Ce stabilisateur, boulonné au fond quitté quitté et soudé au sommet dans l'ordre. Ainsi, alors que meswin recula, dit-il, est resté stable à inflexion. "C'est une étape qui pourrait dibanggkan et devrait être affiché.

Même si un kit carrosserie large sur le côté, afin de mettre en évidence ce stabilisateur. Si protégé par le corps, a déclaré Hendri, personne ne pleurait. Kit carrosserie en fibre creuse motif a été donné de mettre en évidence le stabilisateur.

Pour l'ensemble du corps reposent sur des matériaux en fibres, ne laissant que les feux avant et arrière qui sont encore d'origine. Pour conducteur à faible débit, il ya deux genres, à savoir finshing et l'apparence. Hendri choisissez ce dernier, avec raison, autre que cheval comme cette modification, l'original est toujours reconnaissable.

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

SparxUp Awards 2010 ‎

Point Blank Game - Ajang SparxUp Awards 2010 telah memanggil para StartUp Company di Indonesia untuk berlomba-lomba memajukan ekonomi digital. Mereka, para perusahaan perintis itu, bisa adu kemampuan sesuai bidang masing-masing dengan sejumlah persyaratan.

Point Blank - Bertempat di Epicentrum Walk, Herman Kwok selaku Chairman ajang SparxUp Awards 2010 dan juga Chief Marketing Officer SemutApi Colony menjelaskan.

"Kriteria untuk mengikuti ajang ini minimal memenuhi dua dari empat hal: tidak beroperasi di bawah brand besar, beroperasi di bawah tiga tahun, punya staf di bawah 20, punya penghasilan di bawah Rp 1 Miliar setahun," tukasnya.

Adapun mekanisme dari ajang ini yang pertama adalah: pengenalan program, hunting partisipan, pendaftaran partisipan, seleksi, penjurian dan pengumuman.

Untuk itu, ada delapan kategori dalam ajang kali ini. Masing-masing kategori diambil tiga terbaik. Jadi total ada 24 pemenang. Kemudian akan dipilih dua terbaik sebagai 'Best Rising Star 2010' dan 'Most Promising Startup 2010'.

Berikut adalah delapan katagori tersebut:

1. Best Social Networking Site
Kategori ini untuk kelompok website yang menyediakan sarana interaksi sosial baik melalui Web maupun WAP.

2. Best of Use technology
Dalam kategori ini terdapat website-website yang mengutamakan teknologi baru, kreatif dan bermanfaat.

3. Best e-Commerce
Kategori untuk website yang menyediakan sarana untuk berinteraksi antarpengunjung, seperti online market place.

4. Best website yang menyediakan baik game online maupun offline.

5. Best User Generated Content
Kategori untuk website yang menyediakan wadah interaksi sesama pengunjung (web 2.0). Seluruh konten dibuat oleh pengunjung dan dikonsumsi pengunjung.

6. Best Portal
Kategori untuk portal atau website yang berfungsi sebagai pintu gerbang penyaji informasi dari berbagai sumber dalam satu kesatuan.

7. Best Mobile Apps
Kategori khusus untuk pengembangan aplikasi perangkat ponsel.

8. Best WAP
Kategori karya WAP site untuk tampilan di ponsel. Umumnya lebih banyak teks daripada gambar. Desain WAP site juga harus memperhatikan faktor ukuran layar yang kecil.

SparxUp akan terbagi ke dalam tiga periode. Pertama adalah pre-event yakni sepanjang Juli hingga Oktober 2010. Selanjutnya di tahap kedua akan dilakukan penjurian pada bulan November 2010, di mana ke 24 peserta akan mempresentasikannya di depan juri.

"Dua pemenang utama akan mendapatkan hadiah Rp 200 juta untuk dua pemenang, kemudian coaching enam bulan oleh tim SparxUp," tambah Herman menjelaskan.

Sedangkan tahap akhir adalah tahap post-event, mulai Desember 2010 hingga Juni 2011. Di tahap ini nantinya SparxUp akan membangun forum komunitas dan mengadakan gathering ke berbagai daerah.

Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Game Online Free Download Again

Game Online Free - Anyar besutan Zynga Spiel lieben, FrontierVille zunehmend rasant. Nur innerhalb von 24 Tagen nur, sprang Nutzer dieses Online-Spiel zu einem Vier-fache auf 20 Millionen Menschen.

Zynga-Spiele laufen nicht aus Kreationen für das Spiel erstellt. Am 9. Juni letzten, starten Zynga ein stilvolles FrontierVille Oregon Trail. Dieses Spiel hat verschiedene mechanische Eigenschaften im Spiel Farmville und andere Funktionen. Die Funktion hinzugefügt, hier, wie die Fähigkeit, verschiedene Typen von Avataren (in der Familie die Kontrolle FrontierVille) in einem Bildschirm.

Ein paar Tage nach ihrem Start Nutzer dieses Spiel direkt zu erreichen fünf Millionen Nutzern. "Aber in den 24 Tagen unmittelbar sprang dramatisch", so der Hersteller von diesem Spiel, wie von Mashable zitiert.

Wir kündigten das Spiel-Nutzern, Zynga leitete auch einige In-Game-Statistiken. Seit ihrer Gründung haben nicht weniger als 6,3 Millionen der Kabine entwickelt, die 2,3 Millionen Menschen wurden verheiratet, 1,1 Millionen Menschen haben bereits Kinder und nicht weniger als 252 Mio. FrontierVille Schlangen wurden domestiziert.

Obwohl die vorherigen Spiele, Farmville war sehr erfolgreich, haben Zynga Variationen zu machen. Zynga eine Partnerschaft mit Yahoo im Mai auf dem Spiel ins Portal zu bringen. In jüngster Zeit wird Zynga-Spiele auch auf Google erscheinen, genannt Google Game.

Zynga kann nicht einfach auf die Einnahmen aus Farmville verlassen, weil der Verkehr zunehmend Gaming nimmt langsam ab. Also dieses Spiel Anbietern zu schaffen ein anderes Spiel wie FrontierVille für Erfolg und ersetzen Farmville.

Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Prediksi Slovakia Vs Belanda Traditional

Prediksi Slovakia Vs Belanda - 2006 World Cup champion Italy, Thursday (24 / 6), knocked out in the World Cup group stage in 2010 when they toppled 2-3 by Slovakia at Ellis Park.

Slovakia Vs Belanda - Robert Viettek scored twice, to create superior and Slovakian Kamil Kopúnek add a third goal, while Antonio Di Natale and Fabio Quaglierella scored for Italy.

Slovakia joined the Paraguay to enter 16th round of Group F.

The defeat of Italy have also made things more embarrassing because the group occupies a key position, and even surpassed by New Zealand. Paraguayan group's top position.

Italy started the match well and got two chances to score goals by Di Natale off speculation that a volley from distance but his shot that bounced the ball above the crossbar, as did Vincenzo Iaquita, which his left foot shot wide.

However, Italy then missed the cut bait when Juraj bad Kucka Daniele De Rossi in the region of Italy and feed to Vittek, who then opened fire from close rtendah and harsh penalty box.

Zdeno Štrba then forced goalkeeper goalkeeper Federico Marchetti to prevent from being broken due to a sudden shot from long distance.

However, Liverpool central defender, Martin Škrtel, almost did own goal when heading the bait in De Rossi in the penalty box.

Squadra Azzurri finally opened the Slovak defense area in the 55th minute when substitute Christian Maggio gave breakthrough bait to Di Natale, but his shot wide.

A minute later the Italian coach Marcello Lippi to replace lower Riccardo Montolivo Andrea Pirlo.

At minute 73 second Vittek scored after receiving a cross from Hamsik.

Nine minutes from time after Italy scored a goal, thanks to cooperation Quagliarrella with Iaquinta, and although goalkeeper Ján Mucha managed to save his shot, but Di Natale was able to capitalize on the ball wild.
The goal lead in the struggle between Quagliarrella with Mucha goal, which rewarded both a yellow card.

Quagliarella then to score, but the goal was disallowed because he was offside beforehand, before substitute Kopúnek third scored his team through his first touch.

In the last moments of a tense match, Quagliarella scored a goal, but it was too late to save the defending champions are.

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

Prediksi Portugal VS Korea Utara Tradisional

Prediksi Portugal VS Korea Utara - After making a surprise with impressive play against Brazil, North Korea ready to resume their breakthrough in this World Cup with Portugal in the Stadium bend of Cape Town, Monday (21/06/2010). Victory is an obligation for Hong Yong-Jo and his friends who set a target of qualifying for the round of 16.

Portugal VS Korea Utara - Despite having the lowest ratings among its competitors in the group, North Korea could complicate Brazil in Tuesday's premiere, 15 June. "Chollima" managed to hold all the wave of attacks "Selecao" in the first round. In the second half, they were careless and conceded by the two goals from Elano and Maicon Douglas beautiful. Nevertheless, Korea was able to capture the attention of the world after Ji Yun-Nam minimize lag in the final minutes of the game.

Surprises like this show when they are ready again to meet Cristiano Ronaldo and friends. "Portugal is one potential candidate to win. We started this World Cup against one of the biggest teams in the world. I think we will be less pressure on time to meet Portugal. We have a chance to win this game," said striker Korea, Jong Tae-Se .

To beat Portugal, Korea shall devote all their strength. This is because Portugal is also chasing three points after being arrested by the Ivory Coast drew 0-0 in the first game.

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Menggairahkan Video Bugil Luna Maya

Video Bugil Luna Maya - Since similar porn videos circulating Ariel and Luna Maya, who discussed the matter many tattoos are located on the left hip woman who looked like Luna. Actress Julia Perez (Jupe) was mentioned once invited Luna to one tattoo studio in Bandung.

Video Bugil - A tattoo maker revealed that he never saw Luna Maya playing into a tattoo studio where she worked. He also revealed that the star has had a chance Lux intends to invite Jupe Kent studio in Bandung, West Java.

But it is disputed by the singer song 'Broken Duren' it. "Not really. I'm in Bandung Gaston made the same tattoo," Jupe said while talking to detikhot via phone, Monday (07/06/2010).

Footballer boyfriend, Gaston Castano admitted to not knowing it is close to Luna Maya. According to him, he and Ariel's lover had only limited professional relationship as an art worker.

Earlier, a tattoo studio, Kent Studio Bandung save the story about the artist, the star of the ad and the beautiful presenter. Recognized the Kent Studio, Luna several times visited the studios that serve the manufacture of tattoo and pearcing. But until recently, he had never made a tattoo on his studio.

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Jadwal World Cup 2010 South Africa

Jadwal World Cup 2010 - Coming to the World Cup in 2010, television was as a mandatory item for football lovers in the country. Without television, of course they will be hard to watch these great performances, unless it went straight to South Africa, World Cup host country in 2010.

Unlike the previous World Cup, this year's television sales are still sluggish. Afung, one of his television merchants in Glodok, West Jakarta, admitted selling his wares not as usual. In fact, in 2006 he was able to increase sales by 50 percent over normal days.

The low purchasing power due to several factors, among others, the World Cup that coincided with the turn of the new school year, plans the basic electricity tariff increase, and prohibition of subsidized fuel oil for motorcycles.

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Nonton TV Online

Nonton TV Online - European stocks climbed and the euro rebounded from its lowest level in a year against the dollar on Thursday on news that the bailout (bridging) Greek debt approaching consensus and positive results from leading companies.

Markets and a single currency that hit for two consecutive days after rating agency Standard & Poor `s downgraded Greece, Portugal and Spain, sparking fears contagion from the crisis in Athens.

But Europe's main bourses back into positive territory on Thursday after a leading European Union officials said talks about a multi-billion-euro bailout for Greece's almost finished.

"Expectations of an announcement about the bailout with IMF-EU to Greece in a few days also helped soothe investors' anxieties about nearby default (failed), Greek," said analyst Michael Hewson at CMC Markets.

"A number of positive corporate announcements and the trading statement has helped improve risk appetite, and look at all of Europe's leading shares pushed up," he said.

Market encouraged by positive earnings from German industrial group Siemens, chemical company BASF, the Spanish bank Santander, the UK pay TV giant BSkyB and the global steel giant ArcelorMittal.

Naik0 London stock market, 56 percent, while Frankfurt added 1.0 percent and Paris rose 1.42 percent.

In countries affected by the decline in ratings, Athens surged more than seven percent, Lisbon jumped by more than 4.5 percent and Madrid rose 2.69 percent.

Wall Street also climbed in morning trading with the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Nasdaq technology index and the S & P 500 each rose by more than one percent.

U.S. stocks have risen since the U.S. Federal Reserve last night looked unlikely to raise interest rates in the near future, after maintaining ultra-low borrowing costs on Wednesday.

On the foreign exchange market, the European single currency rose to 1.3357 dollars, one day after reaching 1.3115 - a level last seen in late April 2009.

The euro also rebound against the Japanese currency, rising to 124.78 yen from 124.28 yen on Wednesday.

"Data decent income has helped support the sentiment even going crisis in Greece," said analyst Jane Foley at Forex.com an online trading site.

"The word is, yesterday's downgrading of credit ratings in Spain has increased fears that the contagion would spread potentially generate Spain and Portugal in need of financial support."

In Brussels, EU Commissioner for economic and monetary issues Olli Rehn, said talks with the Greek marathon is almost complete. But he insisted that Athens must take effective action.

"We will conclude talks," he said.

The pressure on borrowing costs on Thursday in Greece reduced menanggapijanji fresh support package for the EU-IMF loan worth up to 45 billion euros ($ 60 billion dollars) in the first year alone.

Results at 10-year bond slipped to 9.04 percent of Greece from nearly 10 percent late Wednesday.

Rate of return, which shows the interest to be paid the Greek government to raise new money, has had time to reach above 11 percent on Wednesday as fears of debt default Greece.

Bond yields on 10-year Spain also eased to 4.07 percent from 4.127 percent.

At the same time, equity increased by news that business and consumer confidence in Europe reached the highest for two years.

Economic sentiment indicator reached 100.6 points in April on the 16 countries that have the euro, up substantially from 97.7 in March, said the European Union.

Figure 100 is menggambaran as long-term average, which means anything above it is the optimism and anything below shows concern for where the economy will go.

"The increase more sharply than expected in the euro zone economic confidence in April in contrast to the growing market concern that the crisis will spread to Greece perhaps other European economic zone," said ING economist Martin van Vliet.

Euro zone debt crisis hit the market in Asia on Thursday, with Hong Kong down 0.81 percent and Sydney slid 0.77 percent, while Tokyo closed for public holidays.

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Kelucuan Manusia

Gambar Lucu - FILMS Television (FTV) titled Bloody Mystery letter which dealt PT Cipta Pratama Promosindo (CPP) was conducted in Jakarta, how the location shooting in Kilkenny in 2009 and now has 70 percent pengarapannya. Additional living matter and story development.

Erwin Suardi, FTV producer tells Bloody Mystery letter which referred to additional material that is about teenage romance is also adding a shooting location as a tourist attraction in Palembang. FTV

Bloody Mystery letter telling of an old house inhabited by a Dutchman in the region of Palembang Kerangga Gutters.

"In this FTV pengarapan 70 percent supporting talented local stars. The next shoot will involve artists of the capital, "said Erwin.

FTV story was not vulgar, and no mystical element.

"But my neighbor reveals an old house in Palembang," said Erwin.

FTV lasted 1.5 hours budgeted USD 150 million. Shooting on the bridge shall, Rumah Limas Pakjo, Fort Kuto Besak, Kambang Iwak, SMK Negeri 3, Hotel Musi and Dakranasda Jakabaring.

Besides filming took place in Lampung. FTV plan was aired on local TV stations and private television Jakarta.

"The funding of USD 150 million was the result of my savings," added Erwin.

Erwin Palembang born May 24, 1978 when a small living in Kilkenny and aspires to make a feature film about Kilkenny.

"Thank God now my dream has come true even though the new 70 per cent complete," said Erwin.

FTV Mystery In this Bloody Letter, Erwin is also the scenario writer is also a player. Erwin soap opera starring as ever, like Angling Darma, The Mystery of Mount Merapi, Larasatim, Jihan, and stranded sripo Inayah

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Download Film Koreana Bali

Download Film Koreana Bali - Cowboys unvollendeten Film Fällen im Paradies, jetzt Bewohner von Bali zurück Aufregung mit der Entstehung eines pornografischen Videos, die in Kuta Beach Hintergrund hat. Video Dauer von 22 Minuten nach oraler Sex-Szene zeigt eine Frau mit einem männlichen Gesicht kaukasischen Indonesien.

In den ersten Minuten des Videos, der Kameramann, der auch ein Schauspieler in dem Film die Atmosphäre von Kuta Beach, Fotos zu machen mit einer Videokamera. Die Mitte von Tausenden von Touristen im Urlaub sah und wenn es im Gange war eine Surf-Meisterschaft.

Danach kam die Figur des Schauspielers-Frau vor Indonesien. Die Frau war cool, Bier am Strand trinken, als sie herzhaft lachte. Auch die Frau hatte eine Frikadelle auf Straßenhändler in der Gegend von Kuta Beach gekauft.

Nach der Szene am Strand vorbei ist, erscheint der Titel vor dem Eintrag in Szenen Koreana vulgär. In einer Szene verdient diese Sensoren, um die wichtigsten Sterne durchführen Oral weibliche kaukasische Mann, der Bilder auf einem Balkon des Hotels in Kuta Beach Road Erfolgsgeschichte fortgeschrieben. Nachdem ich "seine Pflicht", sagt die Frau, "Welcome to Heaven", und die Kamera ist an den Kuta Beach Straße gerichtet.

Das Wissen dieses Video in Umlauf gebracht weit in die Gemeinschaft, Bali Polizei untersucht nun, die Handlung für dieses Video Streuer. "Wenn die Ansichten, Eindrücke sind nicht nur die fachliche und persönliche Unterlagen vorgenommen. Allerdings werden wir jeden, der dieses Video Ausbreitung zu verfolgen ", sagte Head of Public Relations Bali Polizei Kombes Sugianyar Gede Putra Dwi in Bali Polizeipräsidium, Mittwoch (2010.05.05).

Sugianyar hinzufügen, dieses Video tatsächlich wurde geraumer Zeit genommen, um 2003. Allerdings grassiert die neue Zeit verbreitet. "Police Poltabes Kuta und Denpasar, die auch wurden untersucht den Fall", schloss er.

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Blackberry Onyx

Blackberry Onyx - Research In Motion (RIM) finally officially released the BlackBerry Storm 2 in Indonesia. The second generation of smartphones sail touch those promises have increased the ability of the various sides.

Storm second platform equipped with a touch screen BlackBerry that is claimed to have improved with technology and new features that enable customers to keep connected with other people, places, and everything easily.

This product is expected to be available on the operators and RIM's authorized distributor partners in Indonesia at the end of April 2010.

"In addition to the best communication skills in the industry that is very popular on the user's BlackBerry smartphone, Storm 2 also displays a large screen that provides users a best mobile entertainment experience for gaming, video, photos, and web browsing as well as others," said Gregory Wade, Managing Director for Southeast Asia, Research In Motion in his statement to the detikINET, Thursday (04/22/2010).

Even so, attendance at the Storm two Indonesian mobile phone market is true there long enough. Just not via an official partner of RIM's service. In fact, one vendor claimed that the presence of Storm 2 in the store coincided with the arrival of the Onyx (Bold 9700).

As for the price of two non-operator dibanderol Storm in the range of USD 4.6 million. While for the sold via the operator still has not been revealed. Typically, each operator to launch different prices, depending on the packages offered.

Senin, 26 April 2010

Hasil UN 2010

Hasil UN 2010 - Mendiknas Mohammad Nuh meminta kepada para orang tua dan siswa yang belum lulus ujian nasional (UN) tingkat SMA dan yang sederajat agar tidak risau, tetapi mempersipakan diri untuk mengikuti UN ulangan pada 10-14 Mei 2010.

Hasil Ujian Nasional - "Tidak lulus salah satu atau seluruh mata pelajaran UN 2010, masih terbuka kesempatan UN ulangan bagi siswa yang tidak lulus, sehingga siswa memiliki kesempatan mengulang agar lulus," kata Mendiknas kepada pers seusai melantik Rektor Unversitas Ngeri Jakarta (UNJ) Prof Dr Bedjo Sujanto, MPd di Jakarta, Senin.

Mendiknas menyatakan optimis bahwa siswa yang gagal dalam UN SMA 2010 akan dapat lulus, karena sebagian besar atau 64 persen siswa yang gagal UN 2010 hanya dalam satu mata pelajaran, seperti sebagian besar mereka tidak lulus dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dan Biologi.

Oleh karena itu, ia meminta kepala sekolah dan siswa yang belum lulus pada UN SMA 2010 agar mempersiapkan belajar secara serius tentang mata pelajaran yang tidak lulus pada UN tersebut sehingga dapat mengerjakan UN ulangan dengan minimal nilai 5,5.

Menurut Mendiknas, banyaknya siswa yang tidak lulus UN SMA dan yang sederajat pada UN 2010 atau turun empat persen dibanding 2009, antara lain proses belajar di sekolah tidak optimal, kesadaran siswa yang terkesan santai, faktor sarana dan prasarana belajar seperti buku dan guru di sekolah yang belum memadai.

Selanjutnya, kata Nuh, Kemendiknas akan melakukan evaluasi dan analisis tentang jenis mata pelajaran yang sebagian besar siswa gagal mengerjakan, letak sekolah dan wilayahnya, sehingga Kemendiknas akan melakukan intervensi kebijakan seperti memberikan pelatihan untuk mata pelajaran yang gagal dikerjakan siswa.

"Jadi orientasi UN bukan hanya sebagai tolok ukur kelulusan siswa, tetapi sebagai pemetaan sekolah, yaitu untuk mengetahui dan memberikan intervensi kebijakan penguatan terhadap sekolah-sekolah di mana saja yang mata pelajaran UN belum mampu diserap siswanya," katanya.

Ketika ditanya tentang sejumlah SMA seperti SMAN 112 Jakarta dan SMAN 78 Jakarta yang belum mengumumkan hasil UN karena sebagian siswa ke dua sekolah itu data siswa "hilang". Mendiknas menyatakan, pihak akan mengecek ke tempat pemindaian data di UNJ dan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Pemprof Jakarta.

Sebelumnya, sedikitnya tiga SMA di Jakarta, pada Senin (26/4) seperti SMAN 112, SMAN 78 dan SMA Joshua belum mengumumkan hasil UN kepada siswanya, karena masih menunggu klarifikasi tidak keluarnya data kelulusan dari sebagian siswanya dari tempat pemindaian soal UN di UNJ.

Jumat, 23 April 2010

Handphone Nokia

Hp Nokia - When choosing a device to capture images with there are three distinct categories: use the camera on your phone, buy a cheap point-and-shoot camera, or spend a little (or a lot) more and get a professional grade camera.

Although they might be the choices at the moment, Nokia’s sales chief says it won’t be that way for much longer. Working for a mobile phone company you would expect some bias, but Anssi Vanjoki, executive vice president of Markets at Nokia, firmly believes that soon the camera phone will make heavy, professional digital cameras obsolete.

He reasons that eventually the phone in your camera will be capable of capturing images on a par with such expensive hardware. In fact, within 12 months we can all expect to be taking HD-quality images on new smartphones:

It will not take long, less than a year, when phones can record HD quality video and you can transfer it directly to your HD television set. They will in the very near future revolutionise the market for system cameras.

Although HD cameras may be commonplace next year, we wonder how long it will take for a Nokia smartphone to produce the same quality as a top-of-the-line digital SLR camera?

Read more at Reuters

Matthew’s Opinion

I can certainly see smartphone cameras improving to the point where many consumers don’t consider buying a separate camera anymore. In fact, I think that’s already starting to happen now we are seeing 5 and 8 megapixel cameras becoming the norm.

Digital camera technology is going to continue to advance though, and will remain a few steps ahead of what you find in a phone. Companies such as Nikon and Canon need to stay ahead in order to keep selling high-end cameras.

The gap between high-end camera and smartphone camera will certainly narrow. Eventually we will get to a point where the image quality and video capture is so good you can’t really improve upon it anymore and still expect the human eye to notice the difference. How far away that is from happening I don’t know.

You also have to consider new technology coming into play such as the recent interest in 3D video. Such features will surely hit high-end cameras first making smartphones play catch-up when the technology becomes more affordable.

Rabu, 21 April 2010

iPhone Generasi Terbaru? ‎

Gambar Gambar Lucu - Salah satu situs panduan gadget ternama, Gizmodo baru-baru ini berhasil mendapatkan informasi eksklusif tentang gambar dari iPhone generasi terbaru yang telah lama sudah dinanti-nanti para penggemar setianya.

Gambar Lucu - Meski hingga saat ini belum ada keterangan apapun dari pihak Apple mengenai gambar eksklusif yang didapat situs Gizmodo, namun kami sangat yakin bahwa inilah bentuk fisik yang nantinya akan ditawarkan Apple untuk iPhone generasi terbarunya.

Mengapa kami sangat percaya? Ya, karena kabarnya sumber mengaku mendapatkan gambar eksklusif prototipe iPhone terbaru itu dari salah satu sumber terpercaya yang namanya dirahasiakan sumber. Sumber mendapatkan gambar itu pada 18 Maret lalu di sebuah bar di kawasan kota Redwood.

Terlepas dari cara mendapatkan gambar eksklusif itu, ada baiknya kita bahas perubahan apa saja yang terjadi pada iPhone generasi terbaru ini.

Menurut informasi, perubahan iPhone generasi terbaru itu terlihat pada kamera bagian depan untuk video chat, ukuran kamera belakang yang lebih besar dari iPhone 3GS, Flash, penggunaan Micro-SIM, ukuran layar lebih kecil tapi sepertinya resolusi layar lebih baik, ukuran baterai lebih besar dan tentu saja bobot juga yang lebih berat, tombol split untuk pengaturan suara, tombol samping metalik, dan juga menggunakan bahan plastik mengkilap untuk bagian belakang bodi.

Selain itu, kami belum menemukan informasi lain mengenai perubahan apa saja yang terjadi pada iPhone generasi terbaru keluaran Apple itu. Yang pasti, desain iPhone generasi terbaru ini terlihat lebih kokoh dan apik dari iPhone 3GS.

Bagaimana, makin penasaran? Nah, kita tunggu saja bocoran informasi selanjutnya

Sabtu, 17 April 2010


Burgers - There is a nubbly quality to a risotto made with pearled spelt. Now easily available from supermarkets and grocers, this ancient grain has an extraordinary comforting quality. It seems to handle vegetable stock more successfully than rice, restoring some of the silky texture that is often missing in a traditional risotto made with vegetable stock. Pea shoots are available in bags from the major supermarkets but easily grown at home, too. I plant trays of them on shallow compost. Serves four

250g pearled spelt

1 small onion

40g butter

1 litre hot vegetable stock

80g pea shoots

a handful grated Parmesan

a large knob of butter

grated Parmesan to finish

Resep - Put the spelt in a bowl, cover with cold water and leave for 10 minutes. This is not strictly necessary, but will give a softer and more sumptuous result than if you use it straight from the pack. Peel the onion and chop it finely. Melt the butter in a saucepan then add the onion and let it soften, but not colour.

Drain the spelt and add it to the onion, then pour in about a third of the hot stock. Let the liquid come to the boil, then lower the heat to a simmer and leave for 8-10 minutes, stirring regularly. Add half the remaining liquid, leave for 5 or 6 minutes then stir in the remainder. Continue cooking for a further 7 minutes or so, checking the texture of the spelt as you go. It should be soft, with a very slight bite to it.

Rinse the pea shoots then stir them into the risotto. As soon as the pea shoots have wilted, but before they darken, stir in the grated Parmesan and the butter. Check the seasoning, adding salt and ground black pepper as you need. Serve, with a little more Parmesan if you wish.

Selasa, 13 April 2010

Strong And Straight

Naskah Pidato - It’s funny: Although one’s enjoyment of Menashe’s poems certainly can increase from the context he offers when publicly reading them, I think that—more perhaps than many contemporary poets—his tiny poems also stand up quite straight and strong on the page without any added context whatsoever. It is one of those things that prove him to be a truly great poet, I suppose.

Dr. Elizabeth Weber, associate professor of English, is one of four poets whose work has been chosen for display along the Indianapolis Cultural Trail, which is now under construction downtown.

Weber’s poem “City Generation” will be mounted at Poet’s Place, a site on Alabama Street near the Marsh supermarket that honors one of the trail’s early supporters. Weber, co-director of UIndy’s Kellogg Writers Series, also will receive a $1,000 honorarium.

The poems were selected from among 120 submissions for inclusion in the trail’s public art installation, Moving Forward by local architect Donna Sink. The three other poets’ works will be displayed on colorful new bus shelters that will be placed along the south side of Virginia Avenue between downtown and Fountain Square.

Weber teaches creative writing at UIndy, and her own poems and essays have been published in many magazines, anthologies and literary journals. She holds a master’s degree in Creative Writing from the University of Montana and a doctorate in English and Creative Writing from SUNY, Binghamton.

The text of her cultural trail poem follows.

City Generation
by Elizabeth Weber

This city loves me: even the stop lights

are concerned with my health.

The one at North and Alabama tells me, Wait!

when it turns red, and Go! when green,

not content to let me rely on my own eyes.

Usually I drive these streets and miss the aster

blooming between apartment buildings.

The killer whales hanging midair

on a building on the corner

of St. Clair and Delaware, miss

the way the Riley Towers loom

above me like Godzilla on a rampage.

Miss the human city where a man sits

on a bench with briefcase and O’Malia’s bag,

takes off his glasses and cleans them

with a gleaming white handkerchief,

a simple gesture that goes beyond young or old.

Everyday my young students in this city write

about my generation, your generation, about our generation

until my head swirls with generations

as in you generate I generate we generate

as in somebody generated this cornerstone

of the old Sears Roebuck Building

its date so faded all I can see is 19 something

erected by Samuel L somebody.

Around me new and old rise together,

mix and change into something

more than once was.

It is like what my father said to my son,

Things sure have changed

since I went to high school here sixty years ago

to which my son answered, Well, I sure hope so!

Always the hope of the young

and perhaps the old

because change is here everyday at the City Market

where pigeons still pester those eating at tables

as they did one hundred years ago,

where old men still sit and talk

and mothers still hold their babies

and ask policemen which way to City Hall.

Jumat, 09 April 2010

Blackberry tablet

Daftar Harga HP Terbaru - Everyone else is jumping on the tablet bandwagon, why not RIM? That is what an industry research firm is claiming after sources in the component supply chain have said that Research in Motion has placed an order for an 8.9-inch tablet from Hon Hai Precision (Foxconn) that will ship in late Q3 2010 or early Q4 2010.

Blackberry - The report doesn’t reveal anything else, but I’d be a bit surprised if it were true. RIM aren’t known for jumping into any old device category unless they felt it would enhance their portfolio. Also, RIM Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis recently told Walt Mossberg that, “I don’t see the benefits of a tablet over a notebook… A lot of technology falls in the middle.”

However, if true, it could be some companion device to the Blackberry or it may be related to the recent acquisition of QNX, who specialise in embedded OS development. At the time they talked of a mystery set of “intelligent peripherals” for the future.

Senin, 05 April 2010

Elusive Mercury

Primbon - Five planets were known to the ancients: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Four of them are in plain view on many nights. But little Mercury is different. There’s a reason why it was named for the quick, mercurial messenger of the gods. It dashes back and forth between the sunrise and sunset sky, staying out of sight most of the time and usually hiding low in the twilight when it shows at all.

Ramalan Primbon - As a result, you may have never seen Mercury. This week, however, it stands in unusually plain view about as high and bright as it ever gets. What’s more, it has a brilliant companion practically hollering for you to come pay attention.

Look low in the west as twilight fades, and you’ll see not just one shining world, but two. The brilliant one is Venus. Mercury is the smaller, shyer partner just to Venus’s right or lower right, separated from it by about the width of two fingers at arm’s length.

Although they look close together, Venus is actually 50 percent farther away. It shines so much brighter, despite its greater distance, for three reasons. It’s about twice as big a planet as Mercury; it’s covered with brilliant white clouds, while Mercury is a bare world of dark gray rocks and dust; and Venus is also showing us more of its sunlit dayside right now.

The great Copernicus myth
Mercury’s elusive nature is legendary. And one of the best legends about it is false, yielding only now to a century of debunking.

In the late 1500s, the reclusive astronomer Nicolas Copernicus figured out two extraordinary things, that Earth is a planet like the ones in the sky and that all of them circle around the sun. He was the opposite of a glory seeker. He kept his secret largely to himself for many years, published it only in his dying days, and even then seemed to hedge it with qualifications and digressions. As a canon in the Catholic Church, perhaps he was afraid of the kind of harsh reaction that would later overtake Giordano Bruno and Galileo Galilei.

His theory took decades of work. The trick was to measure the positions of the planets on numerous dates — as seen on the apparent dome of the sky, like specks of paint on the inside of a huge hemisphere — and correctly interpret their complicated, puzzling motions.

Copernicus’s breakthrough was in realizing that their inexplicable loops, backtracks, and forward races on the starry sky-dome made sense if the planets were actually following simple orbits in three-dimensional space, centered on the sun — and if Earth was doing the same thing, too.

But getting it right required a large number of measurements. And each of these had to be processed with 3-D geometry and trigonometry when every calculation was done with pencil and paper. Copernicus relied mostly on measurements made by earlier astronomers. He made relatively few observations himself and spent most of his life indoors puzzling over the math.

Mercury was especially tough. It moves fast, it follows (we now know) an unusually elliptical orbit, and it spends a lot of time out of sight. A legend developed that on his deathbed, Copernicus lamented that he had never actually seen Mercury. In the 1840s, a popular German science book titled Kosmos, by the great naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt, spread this legend far and wide. As a result, it became a fixture in popular science writing for more than a century.

It seemed plausible. Copernicus lived much of his life in what is now northern Poland, at a latitude where Mercury remains especially low. And he often complained about the Baltic mists and fogs blotting out his views.

But no. It is clear from Copernicus’s writings that what bothered him was his inability to measure Mercury’s position at times when the planet was especially near the horizon, leaving gaps in his data. By the 1890s, the deathbed tale had been debunked many times. But a good story is hard to kill. It was still being published when I was a kid learning astronomy in the 1960s.

Eventually, however, truth won out. You don’t run into the tale in the 2000s. It is good to know that sometimes it is possible to lay a popular falsehood to rest, though it may take more than a century.

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Politik Beras

Contoh Makalah - Prof Purbayu Budi Santosa, mencoba menguraikan permasolusi tepat. Menurut pendapat dia, persoalan perberasan membuahkan ketidakadilan dan perenggutan hak asasi bagi petani. Pemikiran yang mencerahkan itu, dia uraikan dalam ratusan tulisan, baik artikel ilmiah dan populer, makalah seminar, jurnal ilmiah, laporan hasil penelitian, dan buku.

Contoh Pidato - Buku ini merupakan karya kelima yang merupakan hasil ketekunan dan ketelitian mendokumentasi artikel populer yang tersebar di media massa, terutama Suara Merdeka dan Wawasan, di tengah kesibukan mengajar dan tugas sebagai Pembantu Dekan III Fakultas Ekonomi Undip.

Jalur ekonomi kelembagaan yang dipilih Prof Purbayu dan mewarnai buku ini, terbilang langka di negeri ini. Sebab, kebanyakan ekonom di Indonesia lebih memilih jalur ekonomi berbasis kapitalistik, atau paling tidak dicampur dengan ekonomi berbasis kerakyatan atau Pancasila.
Berulang-ulang Purbayu menyatakan, penerapan ekonomi pasar bebas di negeri ini yang diadopsi dari pemikiran Neoklasik, membuat Indonesia dalam keadaan terus terpuruk dan tidak bisa lepas dari krisis. Karena sejatinya, negara harus campur tangan dalam urusan ekonomi dalam negeri, entah pemberian subsidi maupun kebijakan yang prorakyat.
Penggunaan matematika dalam analisis ekonomi dalam ekonomi pasar bebas yang sebetulnya, buah rintisan Adam Smith, sangat tidak tepat diberlakukan di Indonesia dan sebetulnya di negara lain pula.

Berbagai kritik yang diajukan kepada aliran Neoklasik, menggambarkan relevansi penggunaan aliran ekonomi kelembagaan. Dalam ekonomi kelembagaan, mengamanatkan kepercayaan kepada diri sendiri, bukan berarti menolak semua yang berasal dari asing, tetapi harus bisa melakukan penyaringan terhadap hal-hal yang tidak cocok dan berarti bagi kemajuan bangsa dan negara ini.

Pembangunan di Indonesia hendaknya dilakukan secara komprehensif, meliputi materi dan moral.
Memang selama ini keduanya telah dilakukan, tetapi unsur materi yang sangat menonjol. Titik tolak pembangunan ekonomi pun terlalu berkiblat kepada unsur efisien dan efektif, dan menganggap tidak penting unsur moralitas. Kiblat terori neoklasik begitu menonjol, padahal Adam Smith, Myrdal, maupun North sebagai “dewa“ pemikir ekonomi, begitu mempertimbangkan faktor nonekonomi dalam analisis ekonominya (halaman 215).

Apabila ekonomi kelembagaan sudah benar-benar diterapkan penuh di Indonesia , kasus seperti Bank Century atau kasus lain pengaruh dari sistem pasar bebas, tidak akan pernah terjadi di negeri ini. Prof Purbayu menyebut, rakyat pedesaan bisa terus tersenyum dan usaha memproduksi beras, tidak jadi sia-sia lagi dan bisa menyangga penuh kebutuhan rumah tangga, bahkan bisa lebih. Karena, dalam ekonomi kelembagaan, rakyatlah yang jadi prioritas utama pemerintah, bahkan pemerintah harus memberi subsidi produktif kepada rakyat, terutama petani yang hidup di pedesaan.

Purbayu menilai, karut-marut masalah perberasan yang ada sekarang ini, membuat revitalisasi sektor perberasan perlu dilakukan segera, supaya harga beras tidak bergejolak, dengan begitu bisa memberikan kemanfaatan yang nyata dan optimal bagi segenap masyarakat. (hal 114).
Jangan sampai beras terus-menerus dijadikan komoditi politik. Jangan sampai impor beras lebih didorong oleh ketakutan data kemiskinan akan membengkak, yang akan memukul pemerintah.
Karena secara politis, jika angka kemiskinan membengkak, biarpun indikator kinerja lainnya menunjukkan angka baik, pemerintah akan tetap dianggap gagal.

Terobosan baru dicetuskan Prof Purbayu agar komoditas beras yang sarat dengan kepentingan politik itu dapat ìdiakhiriî. Yaitu lewat penganekaragaman makanan pokok, sehingga orientasi pencapaian swasembada pangan bukan sematamata beras. Revitalisasi Bulog juga perlu dilakukan, sehingga Bulog tidak hanya menjalankan tugas pelayanan publik, tetapi juga bisa mencari keuntungan. Menempatkan manfaat sosial dan bisnis dalam pertalian yang tidak saling meniadakan (trade off). Tidak hanya mengandalkan dana dari pemerintah pusat yang jumlahnya sebetulnya tidak memadai, apalagi untuk beli beras hasil seluruh petani. Yang akhirnya, membuahkan kebijakan impor beras yang merugikan petani yang kemudian mengangkat beras sebagai komoditas politik.

Selain itu, perlu pula dihilangkan disparitas yang tinggi antara harga pupuk bersubsidi dengan harga di pasaran, yang pada akhirnya menimbulkan penyelewengan seperti penimbunan guna kepentingan pribadi dan memunculkan kejahatan ekonomi yang sangat merugikan petani, yang posisi sebelumnya sudah lemah.

Namun, normalnya buku buntelan opini, pasti ada kekurangan yang menyelimuti. Umur tulisan yang pendek, pembahasan materi yang kurang fokus, adanya pengulangan ide atau gagasan, dan kurangnya pendalaman pembahasan, sangat terlihat dalam buku ini. Tapi, tampaknya editor berusaha meramu buku ini menjadi sebuah buku yang menarik dan memiliki nilai tambah. Upaya editor membuat pembaca mudah memahami substansi tulisan, terlihat kentara dengan pengelompokan buku menjadi empat bagian yang menguraikan tema atau substansi yang serupa.
(Hadziq Jauhary-35/CN15)

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Bantah Menikah

Gambar gambar Lucu - DIKABARKAN bakal melangsungkan pernikahan dalam waktu dekat, penyanyi cantik Shanty hanya tertawa. Menurutnya kabar tersebut sama sekali tidak benar. Ia masih belum ada rencana mengganti statusnya meski usianya sudah berkepala tiga. Bahkan Shanty mengaku saat ini ia tengah sibuk mengejar karir dengan membintangi satu film layar lebar terbaru.

Gambar Lucu "Gue lagi sibuk main film layar lebar. Main sama Titi DJ, Sarah Sechan, dan Aming. Ceritanya istri-istri yang punya kelebihan, nah ini gue istri yang ketiga. Filmnya lucu banget," ujar Shanty yang pernah menjadi istri ketiga juga dalam film BERBAGI SUAMI, "Iya nih peran gue jadi istri kesekian mulu. Tapi itu tantangan."

Di film berjudul MADAME X ini, lanjut Shanty, bergenre berbeda dari kebanyakan film Indonesia lainnya yakni action comedy. Pastinya sangat seru karena sejak proses reading, para bintang diajari juga untuk fighting, sampai menjadi polisi. Alhasil selama proses 5 hari syuting seakan tidak berasa meski ada sedikit masalah.

"Kalau namanya syuting pasti ada aja trouble-nya. Kita harus syuting malem, standby-nya dari jam 6 sore sampai selesai jam 6 pagi. Berat banget sih, tapi karena ceritanya lucu jadi makin enjoy aja," ujarnya yang kebagian peran sebagai artis yang ingin eksis dan lebay banget untuk tampil di infotainment.

Shanty mengaku kepadatannya dengan jadwal kerja membuatnya kian menikmati hidup. Ia punya banyak obsesi yang diwujudkan sebelum menikah nanti. "Sutradara, pemain, dan gue berpikir ada kesempatan, jadi ya kapan lagi? Tapi tetep album jalan juga. Capek sih, tapi gue seneng capek," katanya.

"Malah gue ada film lagi, tapi belum bisa gue ceritain. Yang jelas syutingnya ada di luar negeri. Kita ngambil musim winter-nya. Film ini sangat breaktrough, dan belum ada juga film kayak gini di sini," sambungnya di Studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta, belum lama ini.

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Indonesia Kukuhkan UU Anti-Pornografi ‎

Gambar - Gambar Lucu - Mahkamah Konstitusi Indonesia menolak permohonan uji materi undang-undang anti-pornografi yang kontroversial.

Gambar Lucu - Permohonan uji materi itu didasarkan atas argumen dari kelompok-kelompok HAM bahwa undang-undang tersebut dapat dikenakan terhadap penganut agama-agama minoritas, dan mengancam kebebasan ekspresi seni dan budaya.

Para aktivis budaya dan HAM mengatakan definisi pornografi dalam undang-undang itu terlalu luas dan melanggar undang-undang dasar Indonesia.

Undang-undang itu melarang materi seksualitas dalam bentuk gambar-gambar, suara, gerak tubuh, dan percakapan. Pelanggar ketentuan itu bisa dihukum hingga 12 tahun penjara.

Parlemen Indonesia mengesahkan undang-undang itu tahun 2008 dengan dukungan partai-partai Islam yang prihatin dengan apa yang mereka anggap sebagai kebusukan moral dan sosial di Indonesia.

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Cultural Influence on Language Choice

Primbon - Taboos are established in a society to avoid harmful consequences to their people either because the non-verbal or verbal behavior violates a code based on supernatural beliefs or it violates the moral code of the society. According to Adler (1989), taboos are subject to the environment and they are language-specific. This research was held in the United States to examine whether the Chinese and Korean immigrants in a western society share any taboos in (1) non-verbal phonologically-linked taboos, related to death or separation and (2) verbal animal-linked taboos to describe people. The results show that these Chinese and Koreans share only one phonologically-linked taboo – the number “4”, which associates with “death,” and one animal-linked taboo – the “tiger” for a woman, which is used negatively to hot-tempered females.


Primbon Jawa - In an intercultural setting, good communication requires not only the linguistic and sociolinguistic knowledge of the host language for interaction but also knowledge of the culture and cultural rules which contribute greatly to the content and the process of meaningful communicative interaction (Saville-Troike, 1989). Most people are motivated to adjust their conversation in expressing attitudes and intentions toward others. Though individual variation may exist, people will basically choose appropriate language as a means of reducing the cultural differences between them. Knowledge of prominent language features of a culture like non-verbal and verbal taboos, seldom discussed in language textbooks or in classrooms as part of cultural instruction, is probably essential to successful communicative interaction (Shen, 1993).

Taboos are subject to the environment. They are language-specific; therefore, they are not universal or timeless (Adler, 1978). In many cases, foreign people realize the existence of the rules associated with taboos only after they have violated them. Those who do not observe these social “rules” might face serious results, such as total embarrassment or, as Saville-Troike (1989) has stated, they may be accused of immorality and face social ostracism or even death.

In this paper, two types of Chinese “possible taboos” are examined in the context of Korean culture and language: (1) Non-verbal phonologically-linked taboos from traditional Chinese society that are associated with the “separation” and “death”. Do Chinese and Koreans share these taboos because similar sounds occur so often in their languages? (2) Verbal zodiac-animal-linked taboos in modern Chinese society. Do Chinese and Koreans share more zodiac-animal-linked taboos than either shares with Americans because of the same customs? Data were collected in two ways: questionnaires and interviews.

What is a Taboo?

The word ‘taboo’ in early contexts was primarily used to evoke a breach of good manners. Today the word evokes either attitudes that are outdated and irrational or topics that were deemed unmentionable in the past but are now being openly discussed (Thody, 1997).

“Taboo” is a borrowed word from Tongan, a Polynesian language. To most people, it refers to “forbidden” or “to be avoided” behaviors, both verbal and non-verbal. A taboo is also an expression of disapproved behaviors in a society. Taboos are established because people believe that such inappropriateness will bring harmful consequences to them either because this non-verbal or verbal behavior violates a code based on supernatural beliefs or it violates the moral code of the society (Wardhaugh, 1992). Once taboos are formed in a country, references to them become taboo, too (Shen, 1993).

We may find that taboos occur in all kinds of environments, from ancient to modern society, and at all levels of civilization. Members of each community are psychologically and physically trained and shaped by the community to observe the “rules” closely. For example, Westerners wear black for a funeral and white for a wedding. But in the ancient Chinese weddings, a white dress was not allowed to be worn because white was for a funeral. Therefore, all individuals involved had to wear black formal costumes. Later, the color changed to red. Now under Western influence, white is the customary formal color for brides and sometimes for bridegrooms, too (Shen, 1993).

Non-Verbal and Verbal Taboos

Non-Verbal Taboos

Some non-verbal taboos may seem funny, but severe punishment might have come to those who failed to observe the rules in an earlier time and today as well. Accidents may also result from taboo non-verbal cues (e.g., an inappropriate gesture). For example, In 1988, in Los Angeles, an entertainer from Thailand was reported to have been convicted of the murder of a young Laotian. The entertainer was singing in an after-hours Thai cabaret when the Laotian, a patron, put his foot on a chair with the sole directed at the entertainer. When the cabaret closed, the entertainer followed the man and shot him. The reason was that among Southeast Asians, showing or directing the sole of the shoe to another person is considered a grievous insult (Axtell, 1991).

An incident also took place in Hong Kong a few years ago because of a hand signal miscommunication. A television station there took an annual picture of all the contracted entertainers before the Chinese New Year. As a joke, famous Kung-fu actor Jackie Chan, who recently played the main actor in the movie “Rush Hour,” held his fist with his middle finger stuck out on top of the head of an actress who stood in front of him. When his photo appeared in the newspapers, the station received dozens of calls from Westerners living in Hong Kong complaining about the indecent gesture. To them, when the middle finger is used, there is only one interpretation – indecency. When Chan applied this gesture, he meant to suggest that his friend had grown horns on her head for fun. Chan refused to apologize because his gesture was not intended to be an insult as the gesture is not considered indecent in Chinese Society

Several times, when my Korean informant talked about classic words or terms used in Korean, I could figure out the exact Chinese counterparts merely from her pronunciation. This is not surprising because the cultural influences of China upon Korea over the centuries have left an indelible mark upon both the written and spoken Korean language. It is possible to trace many aspects of Korean language and culture back to ancient China. But not long ago, when my Korean informant gave me a fan as a gift, I was a little shocked.

To many Chinese people, a fan is a forbidden present because it has the identical sound as “separation.” If a person gives a fan to his or her friend, their friendship will stop or diminish from that time. Therefore, it has become a phonologically linked taboo to give friends a fan in Chinese society. One question is if Korean people also have similar phonologically-linked taboos as the Chinese do. The first part of the questionnaire elicits data to see if there are any similarities between Chinese and Korean people on this point because of the similar sounds.

Verbal taboos

In every language there seem to be certain “unmentionables” – words of such strong affective connotation that they cannot be used in polite discourse. Two verbal taboos are probably universal. The first of these are words that deal with excretion and sex. For example, when a woman needs to go to the toilet because “nature calls,” she will ask people where the “rest room” or “powder room” is, although she has no intention of resting or putting powder on her face. Second, in both Western and Asian cultures the fear of death carries over into fear of the words having to do with death. Many people, therefore, substitute words, such as “died” or “death” with expressions such as “passed away,” “went to his reward” or “departed” (Hayakawa, 1982).

People generally like to hear words that bless one’s good health and long life or metaphors that generate positive descriptions of one’s personality and appearance. However, because of different cultural backgrounds, an expression in one country can cause a quite different effect in another. For example, Chinese people would feel horrified or upset if they were told before a performance to “break a leg,” an English expression used to wish one good luck.

In the study in this paper, Chinese animal-linked taboos are compared with those of Korea because both countries have the same twelve animals (i.e., the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the chicken, the dog, and the pig) as part of the zodiac cycle representing a unit of time. At the same time, these verbal animal-linked taboos are also compared with animal expressions in America to see if there are any significant differences.


To this day many Chinese people are superstitious to the extent that they will avoid doing anything that they believe can bring bad luck. Chinese non-verbal phonologically linked taboos are products of ancient days. They were generated from an identical sound or group of sounds which represents evil objects, disasters, and other negative occurrences. (Shen, 1993). Since a large portion of Korean vocabulary comes from Chinese culture, especially Confucian classics, my first hypothesis is that Korean people will have most of the phonologically linked taboos that China does.

A special zodiac cycle, consisting of the twelve animals mentioned above, has been shared by Chinese and Korean people for hundreds of years. One animal represents one year, and twelve years is a complete cycle. In ancient Chinese culture, most of these animals were good symbols. They were quite welcomed and respected. Nevertheless, in modern society in China negative connotations are given to some of the animals, which means some of the animals have become verbal taboos in describing a person’s character or appearance.

Koreans, being so historically and geographically related to the Chinese, probably at some time in the past associated the same meanings to the twelve animals as Chinese people did. Furthermore, it seems likely that meanings would have evolved over the years as they have for the Chinese, but not necessarily in the same direction. The second part of the questionnaire is designed to examine if Chinese and Korean people still come to a consensus on which animal-linked vocabulary words are forbidden and which are acceptable to use in reference to a friend. Regarding verbal taboos, my second hypothesis is that Chinese and Koreans will share more animal-linked taboos than either shares with Americans.


The sample for this study consists of thirty respondents from three countries. Ethnicity was determined through questionnaires in which respondents provided their own label for their background. In all, there were ten Chinese people (seven from Taiwan, one from Mainland China, one from Hong Kong and one from the US), ten Koreans (from South Korea) and ten Americans (three German-Americans, one Italian-American, one African-American, and five Anglo-Americans). Among the ten Chinese people, aged from 25 – 38, are two males and eight females. Among the ten Koreans, aged from 28 - 40, are six males and four females. Among the ten Americans, aged from 27 – 50’s, are four males and six females.

Data collection

Data were collected in two ways: informal interviews and the questionnaire. The questionnaire was culturally determined. To focus on the characteristics of Chinese taboos, questions fell into two categories: (1) non-verbal phonologically linked examples of inappropriate usage, such as homonyms or expressions forbidden to certain groups within Chinese culture; (2) verbal animal-linked metaphors and inappropriate language choices from the Chinese and Korean zodiac.

In the questionnaire, Questions one through six are non-verbal phonologically linked taboos that Chinese people have been aware of for hundreds of years. In Questions 7 through 19 are designed to elicit what animal-linked vocabulary words would be verbal taboos among the Chinese, Korean, and American peoples.

Results and Discussion

Non-verbal phonologically-linked taboos

Because Chinese people yearn to reach or be close to a state of “being blessed” and to stay away from “evil” or “bad luck” as much as possible, they create taboo situations. The phonological parts of taboos mentioned in the first six questions in the Questionnaire are examples of evil-related things: death and separation; thus, they became representative of the Chinese taboo system. Some examples follows:

(1) Chinese: The fan (? shan) and the umbrella (? san) have very similar sounds to the word “? san”, which means “separation”. Korean: The fan (? son) and the umbrella (? san) do not sound similar to the word “? zhok”, which means “separation”. Therefore, the Chinese and Koreans did not share this taboo.

Question 1: It is appropriate to give a female friend a fan as a gift.

Question 2: It is appropriate to give a friend an umbrella as a gift.

The Chinese word ? (shan) is a term meaning “to break up, to dismiss, to dissolve.” It is a “forbidden” word among Chinese performers because their professional survival depends on a continuous succession of contracts; therefore, for them, the very notion of “breaking up” infers the destruction of their career. This tradition is carried to the extent of preventing a performer not only from voicing this particular word, but even from mentioning any term that includes the same sounds, such as “? shan” which means fan, or “? san” which means umbrella. Therefore, 50 or less had no objection to such a gift. The reason was that a beautifully painted fan can decorate the wall and an umbrella is very useful in our daily life. It is also interesting to note that, in ancient China, a fan could be given as a parting present in the hope that the traveler could use it to keep himself cool.

But 90 of the Chinese respondents disagreed or disagreed strongly with giving a friend a clock as a gift. The ones who agreed said they would only give it to a person their age.

One hundred percent of Koreans and Americans all agreed or agreed strongly with giving a clock to a friend. To Korean people, a clock is a traditional and popular gift for a friend when he or she starts a business. The Korean sound for “giving a clock” is “song zhong,” and the sound for “biding farewell to a dying person on his or her deathbed” is “song young.” They sound quite different. To Americans, clocks or watches make lovely gifts and they are long lasting. Certain brands and styles would be more acceptable. One American responded that the fancier, the more appropriate.

(3) Chinese: “Turning over (? fan) a fish ” can be a forbidden action on a boat to avoid the disastrous outcome of a ship being overturned in the ocean. Korean: “Turning over (? zhokban) a fish” is not a forbidden action on a boat to avoid bad luck. Therefore, the Chinese and Koreans did not share this taboo.

Question 4: If eating fish on a boat, it is appropriate to turn the fish over after one finishes eating the meat on the top side.

Fifty percent of the Chinese respondents disagreed or disagreed strongly with doing it. In Southern China, seamen’s families generally avoid voicing “? fan” (a Chinese sound for “turn over”). They associate the disastrous outcome of a ship being overturned in the ocean with the action word for the concept. If fearing what one says might bring the unwanted consequence into reality, the taboo situation is established. To these families, it is also a taboo behavior to turn a fish topside down after one finishes the meat on that side. They envision the fish as the ship that carries their loved ones, so turning the fish over on the dish would symbolize that the ship has capsized in the ocean.

Ninety percent of the Koreans agreed with the action because they thought it would be a way to finish a fish neatly or to see if there is more to eat. They do not associate the sound for “turn over” with the disastrous outcome of a ship being overturned in the ocean through the action word for that concept. Eighty percent of the Americans agreed because they thought it makes sense and would probably be easier that way, especially if the fish has a lot of bones in the middle. The rest who disagreed (20 of the Chinese and 90 of the respondents agreed. Only the number “13” is considered bad luck in American culture. Therefore, a Chinese or Korean patient would react far more strongly to being assigned to a room or a floor in a hospital with the number four than would an American patient assigned to a “Room 13” or “floor 13.” This is the only phonologically-linked taboo that I found shared by these two countries.

(5) Chinese: “Cutting a pear in two halves” (?? feng li) can be another forbidden action among Chinese because it sounds exactly like ?? (feng li), which means “separation”. Korean: “Cutting a pear in two halves” (?? bun yi) does not sound like ?? (bul li), which means “separation”. Therefore, the Chinese and Koreans did not share this taboo.

Question 6: It is appropriate to cut a pear in two halves and share it with a friend.

In one Chinese opera, a fruit merchant claims that his pears will make a marriage happy. But lovers should never cut up or divide pears since the word for “pear” (li) is phonologically identical with the word for “separation” (? li). For the same reasons, relatives or friends will avoid dividing pears among themselves. Therefore, at the end of twentieth century, 50 of the Koreans agreed or agreed strongly. They and the American respondents thought there was no problem with this action and that it would be seen as a gesture of friendship and generosity. Sharing is considered a good thing as it shows that one cares for another. Cutting a pear is the same as cutting any other fruit.

Verbal animal-linked taboos

As mentioned above, Chinese and Koreans have the same twelve animals (i.e., the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the chicken, the dog, and the pig) in the zodiac cycle to represent a unit of time. They are used to convey positive values in both cultures.

Since Asian people have become more and more westernized in the last twenty years, some animal-linked vocabulary words in modern Chinese society have different connotations from what they did in old Chinese culture. These animals were compared among the Chinese, Koreans and American respondents to find if there are significant differences between the East and the West. Which are verbal taboos and which are not? Data were collected in two ways: the questionnaire and interviews.

(1) The rat

The rat is the first creature in the old Chinese zodiac. It was associated with money; when you hear a rat scrabbling around for food at night, it is said to be “counting money”. The term “money-rat” is a disparaging way of referring to a miser. In some old legends, rats can turn into demons, male usually, in contrast with the fox that turns into a female demon.

Question 7: It is appropriate to say to a person’s face that he/she is like a rat.

Fifty percent of the Chinese respondents agreed that it is fine to say to a person’s face that he or she is like a rat, but they claim that it must depend on the tone of voice, the hearer’s age, and the context. The other 50 of them disagreed or disagreed strongly. To them, bulls are stubborn and might mean the person is aggressive. Likewise, cows are fat and sloppy.

(3) The tiger

The tiger is the third sign in the Chinese zodiac. The tiger is a symbol of courage and bravery. Nevertheless, the tiger was so much feared that its very name was taboo, and people referred to it as ?? da chong, meaning “big insect” or “king of the mountains”.

Question 9: It is appropriate to say to a man’s face that he acts like a tiger.

Question 10: It is appropriate to say to a woman’s face that she acts like a tiger.

On Question 9, 80 of the Chinese disagreed with describing a woman as a tiger because it is over exaggerating. Forty percent of them agreed with using it negatively for a woman if she is really hot-tempered.

On Question 9, 50 of them disagreed with using “tiger” to describe a woman even if she were disgraceful or very hot-tempered.

Ninety percent of the Americans agreed or agreed strongly with using it for a man as it implies strong, clever, fast, assertive, initiative, successful, or sexually powerful. It can also be an encouragement to kids as in “Go get’em, tiger.” At the same time, about 80 of the Chinese agreed because the rabbit is a cute animal. They are smart and fast. Twenty percent disagreed because the rabbit is too timid and too dependent.

Fifty percent of the Koreans who agreed also think the rabbit is cute, so it is appropriate to describe a person as a rabbit. The other 50 disagreed as it indicates small, weak, and timid, not very intelligent, or it could be an insult to mean the person has had too many children.

(5) The dragon

The dragon is the fifth creature in the Chinese zodiac. It is one of China’s most complex and multi-tiered symbols. It is said that, like a magic animal, it could fill the space between heaven and earth.

Question 12: It is appropriate to say to a person’s face that he/she is like a dragon.

Sixty percent of the Chinese respondents agreed but they did not know why and 40 who agreed strongly think the snake implies a person’s being double-faced/tongued.

(7) The horse

The horse is the seventh creature in the Chinese zodiac. In Old Chinese, there were many words denoting the different sizes and colors of the horse. The fact that these words have all died out is an indicator of the declining role of the horse in recent history. In old texts, horses stood for success, speed, and loyalty.

Question 14: It is appropriate to say to a person’s face that he/she is like a horse.

Sixty percent of the Chinese agreed if it implies hard work without a rest. Forty percent disagreed because the horse has a very long face. When the Chinese say to a person “the horse does not know its long face,” it means that the person does not know his or her own shortcomings.

One hundred percent of the Korean disagreed or disagreed strongly with describing a person as a horse. They all think it implies that a person’s face is exceedingly long, so it is an insult.

Fifty percent of the Americans agreed if it is a compliment to say that the person works hard as in a “workhorse” or he is “strong as a horse”. It can also mean someone who runs fast. In addition, terms like “stallion” and “stud” used for men are usually considered complimentary. The horse is often used in “You eat like a horse” to imply a healthy or big appetite, or “Stop horsing around” to imply “stop wasting time.” Fifty percent disagreed because a horse might be used to mean a big and ugly woman.

(8) The sheep/lamb

The sheep is the eighth creature in the Chinese zodiac. It is the emblem of filial piety as it kneels when suckling its mother. Sheep were, on the whole, less important than the ox and horse in China.

Question 15: It is appropriate to say to a person’s face that he/she is like a lamb.

Ninety percent of the Chinese agreed because the lamb is a friendly, nice-tempered, soft animal. But it is also used to describe someone being shy and timid because they lack confidence and follow orders completely.

Forty percent of the Koreans who agreed think the lamb is pretty, pure, naïve, and innocent, so it is appropriate to describe a person as a lamb. The other 60 who disagreed think it is not appropriate to use it to an adult. It means he/she is too active.

Only 10 of them agreed with using it in certain contexts. For the other eleven zodiac animals, more than 50 of them disagreed with using the rat, the bull/cow, the snake, the monkey, the chicken, the dog, and the pig to anyone. And other terms like the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the horse, and the lamb can also have bad connotations in certain situations. In order to interact with people of a different culture appropriately, one needs to adjust his/her language to others’ cultural rules for meaningful communication. Most people believe that human beings are above every other living creature in the world because human beings can be educated, cultivated, and have the ability to tell right from wrong and good from evil. To avoid cultural misunderstandings, not to choose any of the animal-linked metaphors for people is highly recommended.

Works Cited

Adler, M. K.. Naming and addressing: A sociolinguistic study. Hamburg: Buske, 1978.

Axtell, R. E.. Gestures: The do’s and taboos of body language around the world. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1991.

Eberhard, W. A Dictionary Of Chinese Symbols. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul Inc., 1983.

Hayakawa, S. I.. Verbal Taboos. In P. Eschholz, A. Rosa, V. Clark (Eds.) Language Awareness. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1982.

Korean Overseas Information Service. This is Korea. Seoul: Seoul International Publishing House, 1986.

Saville-Troike, M. (1989). The Ethnography Of Communication: An Introduction, 2nd edition. Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell, Ltd., 1989.

Shen, Y. I.. Cultural influence on language usage: Cases of taboo. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (27th, San Antonio, TX, November 20-22, 1993.

Thody, P.. Don’t Do it: A Short Dictionary Of The Forbidden. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997.

Wardhaugh, R. An Introduction To Sociolinguistics, 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1992.

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Gentleman's Dream Lifestyle in Southeast Asia

Joseph refo - Divorced or lonely gentlemen, don't feel blue, keep reading this Great News for You!

The single gentleman of love for asian ladies have found paradise in Southeast Asia.

They have discovered love and retirement in their tropical paradise.

In Southeast Asia, especially the Phillipines, there is some good hearted ladies waiting for a respectable gentleman.

Meeting these charming ladies is fun, a lot of FUN!

So if you have just split up or haven't been dating for a while, relax as you are in a good position.

You are free to date whoever you like, that's something to take advantage of while you CAN.

You will be in a relationship again sometime and not be able to experience the variety of women you can right NOW!!

The Phillipines is a Goldmine for single men. It would be insane to ignore the potential and availability of women here.

So don't go thinking that you are desperate or strange for going to Southeast Asia.

Joseph Refo Bunuh Istrinya Maria Reni Widowati - Many single gentlemen go to Southeast Asia. It is the best value and effective way for meeting women today.

There are thousands of lovely ladies in the Philippines who really want to give their heart to a nice gentleman who will respect and care for them. You will get over boiled with much effection and dedication in return.

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Being Enrolled for Private Drum Tutorial

The drum is a member of the percussion family and is one of the earliest acknowledged musical instruments in the world. The chronicle of the drum is long and noted. The drums are also very therapeutic which makes it an ideal instrument to check off for those who wishing to beat off some stress and tension.

One of the rewards of one on one drum tuition is convenience. Personal tutors normally have much time than teachers who teach in music school so they do not have to clock off during a particular time, schedules of the lesson can be changed to admit the student and instructor. This will also make it easier for your teacher to learn you at your rate or replicate instructions until you master a technique. It will also be simpler to correct wrong habits before they become permanent

Since you are the trainor's only concern during lessons, this would imply that you can call for certain styles variables directly from your teacher. Some drum scholars would need to determine to a greater extent practical and less theory and those who prefer the opposite. You can also ask to learn particular musical styles which interest you more, like for instance, jazz or reggae rather of metal or pop.

They are also very ideal for scholars who would like to learn for recreation as they have the proper direction and will quickly discover to appreciate the drums and attain their finishes.

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Getting Paid To Drive

There seems to be a never ending fascination to the notion that some people get paid to drive their cars. While it is true that a few lucky people are able to do this, the entire field of paid to drive opportunities has changed dramatically over the last few years.

The get paid to drive concept was at the height of its popularity during the Internet bubble of the late 1990s. Roadside advertising was near capacity leaving the many companies that wanted to advertise their service or product to those driving in their cars without a place to do so. At this time, billboard and other traditional advertising space along busy roads and highways was severely limited and prices for such space was rising fast.

One solution to this advertising shortage was addressed with car wraps. Basically, the advertiser would wrap their advertisement around a car (instead of on a billboard) for everyone to see. This way companies could advertise their products or services to reach people driving along the roads in areas where they couldn't get advertising space on billboards.

The car wrap gained popularity through the 1990s when traditional billboard advertising remained tight, but when billboard advertising softened in the late 1990s, this took a heavy toll on the car wrap advertising companies. Today, only a fraction of those that were once in business remain so.

Most car wrap companies that remain have had to reinvent themselves as niche advertisers for specialty campaigns and that is where they remain at this point. For certain advertising campaigns, the auto wrap still has an appeal of being different than typical advertising campaign.

From time to time there will be a company that is looking for a unique advertising campaign, and the auto wrap can offer a cost effective way of getting their brand name out there. In this case, a company would "rent" space on individual private citizen's cars. In return for letting the company "wrap" the car with their advertisement, they'll compensate the car owner with a monthly payment. The payment can be as high as $400 a month for a full car wrap and lesser amounts for a partial car wrap or a window wrap.

The catch is that there are far more drivers wanting to be paid to drive than advertising campaigns available. If you don't drive a lot of miles (typically over 800 miles a month) or live in a highly populated area where the advertisement will be seen by a lot of people, your chances of being chosen are slim.

While the chances of getting paid to drive today are not very good, they are still better than playing the lottery. If you believe your car and location would be desirable to advertisers, it could be worth contacting auto wrap companies directly to see if you can get on their list. If you are lucky and do get picked, you will significantly reduce your driving expenses with little effort on your part.

Sunan kalijaga Pacari Jennifer Dunn

Video jennifer Dunn Ciuman telah membuat orang cukup heboh juga jadinya. Kuasa hukum muda Sunan Kalijaga, SH, yang mendampingi terdakwa Jenifer Dunn atas dugaan kepemilikan tujuh pil ektasi, merasa bahwa hubungan dengan kliennya itu tidak termasuk cinta terlarang, mengingat ia sudah beristri dan beranak dua.

"Tergantung dari kacamata siapa orang melihatnya, kalau memang yang di rumah (istri) saya terganggu silakan konfirmasi kepada yang di rumah," ujar Sunan di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Barat, Kamis (11/2/2010).

Sunan pun mengelak bahwa ia telah mengesampingkan perasaan seorang istri. "Saya belum pernah menjadi seorang istri yah," kilahnya.

Sunan bahkan enggan menanggapi ungkapan cinta Jenifer yang disampaikan kepada wartawan. "Saya tidak dengar kok statement-nya. Saya hanya teman dekat dan baik," imbuhnya.

Namun, lagi-lagi Sunan tak berkutik ketika sebuah status Facebook dari akun Jenifer Dunn yang tertulis "I Love U" dibacakan para peliput. "Saya tidak bisa bicara apa-apa, kan kalian sudah ada jawaban dari Jennifer seperti apa," tangkis Sunan.

Lebih jauh, saat disinggung seperti apa sosok Jenifer, Sunan pun enggan berkomentar pasti. "Wah berat tuh pertanyaannya. Saya no comment deh," ucap Sunan. Dengan adanya isu tersebut, secara profesional Sunan mengaku tak akan terganggu. "Saya rasa tidak karena dua hal yang berbeda antara kepastian hukum dan pribadi Jennifer," elaknya. "Yah sampai selesai akan saya dampingi," pungkas Sunan.

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Makna Hari Valentine

Tentang Puisi Valentine yang akan segera kita jelang beberapa hari lagi, kita semua tahu bahwa hari valentine ini kita mesti berbenah diri serta hati.Hari kasih sayang atau yang lebih sering disebut Valentine's Day yang jatuh setiap tanggal 14 Februari sangat lekat dengan coklat dan bunga. Tak ayal, semakin mendekati hari tersebut produsen coklat menikmati limpahan order maupun kenaikan omzet yang cukup membumbung tinggi dengan momen setahun sekali ini.

Produsen coklat bermerek Floren, Yusak Yany Tendean mengatakan setiap momen Valentine's Day, usahanya kebanjiran order hingga tiga kali lipat jumlahnya dibandingkan kondisi normal.

Kalau biasanya selama bulan selain Januari-Februari hanya memproduksi coklat sebanyak 600 kilogram hingga 800 kilogram. Tetapi, menjelang hari kasih sayang ini jumlah produksinya meningkat hingga 3 ton per bulan.

“Kenaikan order coklat Valentine sudah terasa sejak pertengahan bulan Desember lalu. Dengan begitu, saya pun menambah jumlah karyawan dari 8 orang menjadi 12 orang. selain itu, jam kerjanya pun ditambah dari 8 jam per hari, kini menjadi 18 jam per hari dengan pergantian shif tanpa hari libur,” kata dia kepada VIVAnews di Solo, Senin, 8 Februari 2010.

Melonjaknya order pesanan, menurut Yusak karena setiap momen Valentine’s Day jumlah varian bentuk coklat cukup banyak, yakni hingga mencapai 16 item. Padahal, jika hari-hari normal dirinya mengaku hanya memproduksi coklat lolypop ukuran berat 20 gram yang harganya sekitar Rp 1.500 per biji.

“Sekarang ini selain memproduksi coklat lolypop juga membuat coklat berbentuk hati, bunga hingga tulisan Valentine’s Day yang dikemas dalam wadah mika maupun toples. Coklat kombinasi warna pink dengan ukuran berat hingga 170 gram dibanderoli harga Rp 20.000 per toples. Yang paling laku adalah coklat-coklat tersebut. Jadi, wajar kalau jumlah produksinya naik hingga tiga kali lipat,” akunya.

Yusak memproduksi coklat sudah sekitar 12 tahun lalu. Maka tidak heran, jika jumlah outlet yang menjual coklat hasil produksinya mencapai 1.000 outlet yang tersebar dari mulai semua wilayah di jawa Tengah, Cirebon, Jawa Timur hingga Bali. Selain itu, dirinya juga mengandalkan pemasaran coklatnya melalui jaringan supermarket maupun minimarket.

“Itu bukan outlet resmi saya, namun hanya outlet yang menjual coklat Floren. Begitu ada even hari Valentine, outlet-outlet tersebut langsung meningkatkan jumlah order permintaan. Ya, karena order pesanan cukup banyak dalam even Valentine ini maka omzet penjualan yang saya peroleh naik hingga 10 kali lipat,” akunya.

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

How to Customise your Cellular

Blackberry Gemini - Our current choices of Cellular/Mobile handsets are really quite amazing, it seems that there is a phone to suit everyone, what ever your requirements and necessities. The features of our phones are ever increasing and we feel somewhat comforted by the multiple uses of our handsets. Almost everyone is sure to find a phone that will fit their needs, not just in the variety of the phones uses but also a handset that is aesthetically pleasing.

Blackberry - It might be the colour or the shape or even the feel of the phone or a combination of all three. To many individuals it is as important to them to be seen with a smart phone as it is to be seen with the latest hair cut or that great pair of jeans that are a must have item of the time. People are conscious of fashions and trends, of what they possess at the time and also of what others possess around them.

But what really makes people stand out is having something customised exactly to their tastes. We are able to dress up our phones with accessories that will change the colours of the handset or we can add flashing accessories and a whole host of modifications to make our phone unique. It gives us a feeling of being individual and aswell as being able to customise the hardware of the phone we find that we can also very easily customise the phone with content.

Ringtones are sounding better than they ever have, this is down to the handsets being able to handle more voices and Polyphonic Ringtones and Truetones sounding so much more pleasant compared to the ear piercing and harsh tones that used to emit from our bulky handsets years ago.

The choice of Cellular/Mobile content is enormous, with sites like www.premieringtones.com providing a constantly growing library of everything from Ringtones and Truetones to Video, Games and Screensavers to brighten up your handset. Customising your phone can be done very quickly and with a number of options to obtain the required content means that it will take up very little time of anyone’s day.

The fun part is that you get to show off to the world, well at least your friends and family, the unique looks and sounds of your Cellular/Mobile phone, and if you get bored of the Ringtone on your phone it is just a case of taking a look at the huge amount of content available and in no time your handset will be feeling like brand new again with the great sounding Tones available or Games to keep you occupied or what ever you choose.

The future looks even brighter for the Cellular/Mobile world with new technologies always in the pipeline ensuring that we will all have new features and new ways of upgrading and customising our handsets.

Changing our phones appearance both inside and out is just a matter of choosing what we like best and what we feel says something about us personally. We are all unique and we like to show that in our lives when ever possible, the good thing is that the choice for us is huge, all we have to do is choose

Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Seperti Apa Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan Tersebut?

Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan, salah satu judul film yang banayk dicari orang pada hari - hari belakangan ini. Film yang menampilkan kesintalan serta kemontokan Andi Soraya yang sudah tidak sintal serta montok pada kenyataanya. Film yang mengedepankan keseksian serta mengandalakan tontonan aurat darai para bintang wanitanya. Kita sebenarnya bisa mengira - ngira serta menyimpulkan, seperti apa Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulanyang akan diliris pada tanggal 4 Februari yang akan datang tersebut.

Video Andi Soraya Buka Bra di Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan, bisa kita lihat serta kita tonton seorang artis yang bernama Andi Soraya yang tampil di film tersebut dengan tidak punya rasa malu sama sekali. Semoga saja hal serta prilaku sepertio itu, tidak makin menyebar lagi ke berbagai kalangan yang bisa menjadio virus yang sangat membahayakan moral serta harga diri bangsa yang punya moral serta punya adab ini.

Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan dan filn - filn yang sama , seperti Suster Keramas miliknya Rin Sakuragi, Air Terjun Pengantin yang digawangi Tyas Mirasih dan Tamara Blesynki. Artis - artis tersebut berperan dengan memperlihatkan aurat mereka. Karenanya kita bisa simpulkan, bahwa urat malu mereka sdah pada hilang serta hancur dan putus. Semoga saja tidak makin banyak orang di negari ini yang putus urat malunya.