Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Seperti Apa Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan Tersebut?

Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan, salah satu judul film yang banayk dicari orang pada hari - hari belakangan ini. Film yang menampilkan kesintalan serta kemontokan Andi Soraya yang sudah tidak sintal serta montok pada kenyataanya. Film yang mengedepankan keseksian serta mengandalakan tontonan aurat darai para bintang wanitanya. Kita sebenarnya bisa mengira - ngira serta menyimpulkan, seperti apa Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulanyang akan diliris pada tanggal 4 Februari yang akan datang tersebut.

Video Andi Soraya Buka Bra di Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan, bisa kita lihat serta kita tonton seorang artis yang bernama Andi Soraya yang tampil di film tersebut dengan tidak punya rasa malu sama sekali. Semoga saja hal serta prilaku sepertio itu, tidak makin menyebar lagi ke berbagai kalangan yang bisa menjadio virus yang sangat membahayakan moral serta harga diri bangsa yang punya moral serta punya adab ini.

Film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan dan filn - filn yang sama , seperti Suster Keramas miliknya Rin Sakuragi, Air Terjun Pengantin yang digawangi Tyas Mirasih dan Tamara Blesynki. Artis - artis tersebut berperan dengan memperlihatkan aurat mereka. Karenanya kita bisa simpulkan, bahwa urat malu mereka sdah pada hilang serta hancur dan putus. Semoga saja tidak makin banyak orang di negari ini yang putus urat malunya.

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Make Money at Home

Ruby Alamsyah - When you are committed to make money at home, it's just as important to prepare an adequate working space for yourself as it is a product and find a market. If you have space, but are not organized physically, you will find your work reflects a casual attitude and you may find that you can't find the latest files that are needed in order to prepare your quarterly tax returns. Some of the factors that must be considered when you are preparing your environment are lighting, furniture and security. Here are a few tips to help you establish a great working environment.


Roy Suryo VS Ruby Alamsyah - The proper lighting in a working area where you make money from home is just as important as in an office. Ideally, you can adjust the light level so that you have a mixture of natural and artificial lighting in your work space. The proper lighting levels at different times of the day and night can mean the difference between eye strain with accompanying headaches and blurred vision and a stress free environment. You should look into the value of long life light bulbs for savings over the years of use. The softer light emitted by some bulbs also make eye strain less likely.


The basics of the furniture that you use in a home office are important. You will almost certainly need a computer to make money at home and thus will need a computer desk on which to place the computer equipment. Be sure to leave room enough so that the computer peripherals are also placed in a position to be easily reachable. You will need a good chair that supports your back and hips correctly, particularly if you are working at the computer for extended periods. You will need other furniture such as cabinets and work tables in order to stay organized.


The security of your documents, correspondence, financial transactions and other computer files are critical if you plan to earn money from home. You must be able to assure customers that their sensitive information is never compromised by actions you take. Today, there are constant threats to the integrity of computer systems and computer files either directly or through internet hackers online. You must also be certain that you don't allow children or pets to destroy critical documents related to your online business. A third area of security is that of protecting vital information needed for tax purposes. Use good security practices on the internet.

By Richard Harley

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Oka Antara Terpukau

Sinopsis Film Perempuan Berkalung Sorban Movie Video Trailer , Oka Antara terpukau saat melihat Bandara Hasanuddin, Makassar. "Wah, airport-nya top banget," ujarnya di Makassar akhir pekan lalu. Pemeran utama dalam film Hari untuk Amanda ini datang ke kota itu bersama rekan mainnya, Fanny Fabriana, dan kru lainnya untuk memperkenalkan film tersebut.

Film Perempuan Berkalung Sorban Menurut Oka, arsitektur dan desain Bandara Hasanuddin sangat bagus. "Beda dengan bandara lain yang ada di Indonesia," katanya.

Selain itu, Oka, yang pernah menjadi pemeran utama dalam film Perempuan Berkalung Sorban, mengatakan bandara itu kelihatan sangat bersih.

Tak hanya mengagumi Bandara Hasanuddin, Oka juga menyukai makanan khas daerah Makassar, pallu basa. Jadi ia pun menyempatkan diri mencicipinya. "Pas nyampe Makassar, langsung lapar. Dan pinginnya makan pallu basa aja," tuturnya. Ia sudah berkali-kali mencicipi makanan ini dan menjadi salah satu makanan favoritnya.

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Scandalous Behavior

John Edwards Latest News - Musicians work hard. They write for days. They rehearse like fiends. Drag heavy gear here and there. Sweat like pigs on stage. Put marathon hours in at the recording studio. Work their fingers to the bone…well, at least into some pretty gnarly calluses. But, musicians also like to play hard: booze, drugs, groupies, and trashed hotel rooms are actually more occupational hazards that rock ‘n’ roll myths.

No matter how disciplined an artist needs to be for his or her music, they will always need to blow off steam in some way or another. Some hit the gym, run, partake in extreme sports, do yoga, pursue their spirituality, web surf, build custom guitars, restore classic cars…you name it. All of these outlets help musicians to handle the enormous flow of energy so necessary to channel the creative process. Still, other musicians prefer a more debaucherous form of escapism. They drink until they puke, get stoned and eat a case of Cheetos, or sleep with all of their friends’ sisters.

This wild lifestyle, albeit a music cliché, may feel terrific at the moment, but many musicians clearly forget that the days of offstage antics circling around the buzz of the band, like whispers in the wind, are long gone. These days, fans carry camera phones to gigs, friends videotape your band’s every move, and everybody’s a blogger. The afterparty, once simply a chance to blow off steam with loved ones and lovers of your music alike, has now gone from the innocent scandal of, “Oh my God, did you hear what happened after the gig Saturday?” to a website monitoring every second of debased insanity with pictures, video, and descriptive essays.

This new unexpected publicity may increase the number of crazed partiers at your next gig, but what happens when the entertainment attorney you’ve been courting, the A&R guy you’ve been hoping to hear back from, or the manager you’ve been telling how serious you are about your music, pops on the internet and finds your drummer passed out in the pool, your bassist vomiting in someone’s bushes and your guitarist naked in a stranger’s bed with cheerleaders of questionable age?

The following are a few tips that may help you to throw a terrific afterparty without the ramifications hurting your career in the long run:

1.) Pick A Designated Partygoer---As much as this thought may send shivers through the spine of any wild-at-heart musician, it’s a good idea to have someone at your afterparty keeping an eye on those who’ve sold their souls for rock ‘n’ roll…or at least Jack Daniels. Whether you rotate it from gig to gig, or find a friend of the band (girlfriend, manager, a bandmate’s brother, etc.) who’ll stay sober enough to make sure that no one does anything stupid…and if they do, that it won’t be “caught on tape.” Playing Band Hall Monitor is truly a thankless job for anyone who parties hardy, so maybe free admission to the gig and some cool band swag as compensation would be a nice way to say “Thank You for being our assigned killjoy tonight!”

2.) Set Some Guidelines For Your Band And Fans---I know it sounds like Big Brother is busting up your raging good time but when you’re talking about your career, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Have a chat with your band explaining that extreme behavior needs to be controlled at parties where fans are recording events. Post on your web site, and your fan club or have a Pow Wow at the gig and explain to your people that, while you love all of the cool photos and videos they take of the band at the gig, there has to be a few rules for what can be shot offstage. Be honest. Let your friends/fans know that you love partying with them but that the band’s reputation is an important ingredient for its success and that it’s vital that certain memories be enjoyed by partygoers only and not preserved in cyberspace for the world to see.

3.) Monitor Your Websites And Web Communities---Again, better safe than sorry. It’s always a good idea to visit your forums, message boards, photo galleries, fan clubs, blogs and online communities to see what the latest scoop on your band is. It’s also wise to retain approval privilege on anything posted on each of your band sites. Let people post all of the drunken, naked pictures they want, and then pick and choose which images you want to represent your band. The same applies to comments and posts. Remember fans are important and priceless but it’s ultimately your image to preserve to the industry and the world and your web presence is how you represent yourself to everyone interested in you from fans to labels and everything in between.

4.) Dial Your Scandalous Behavior Back A Bit---It’s all well and good for your drummer to sleep with your girlfriend’s mom on his own time, but at band functions make sure that the behavior is kept professional. In our modern society, the lines between reality and publicity have become so blurred that a simple kegger in your singer’s garage can get more coverage than a Grammy Pre-Show Special. Sadly, that may simply mean changing the standards of band partying to those that you exhibit at gigs. Throw private parties and have orgies in your grandma’s bathtub, but when it’s music related you’re, in a sense, at work and should act accordingly.

I realize that telling musicians not to party, is like telling a dog not to lick its private parts and if, after reading this, you feel that the thrill of the over-the-edge rock ‘n’ roll afterparty is completely ruined, don’t change your major to math just yet. Remember, doors lock, parties can be invitation only, cameras turn off, and bloggers can be taught to use discretion. You can still live like Jim Morrison at Scott Weiland’s toga party; just do your best to keep it off the internet. While a little scandal is titillating, a lot of scandal just says to a label, “Sure. We’ll take your money and then we’ll blow it all on Tequila and show up to the studio three hours late every day.” Show the industry you’re serious, put on a professional face, and give your website the appearance of a band that’s fun and responsible. Then, have a private party, invite the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, a donkey, the drug dealer next door, and your guitarist’s horny aunt and throw a party that would make the cast of Half Baked blush. After all, you’ve got to fight for your right to party…in secret…with the digital cameras unplugged.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

The Traveller's Guide to Parking at Manchester Airport

Indonesia Java International destination, Airport parking can be a huge hassle when going on a trip. At Manchester airport things can go really bad if you don't plan ahead. Its one of the largest and busiest airport in United Kingdom so booking in advance is a must. Travellers have a lot of options when parking at Manchester airport. There are several airport parking companies ready to take your car to a secured place. Most of these parking companies offer the same services. The major difference will be its proximity to the airport and transfer time.

How to park

Parking in Manchester airport is easy when booking online. On the internet travellers will be able to easily find all the required information on the airport parking companies. Free quotes are also available for customers to be able to compare the best deals and find the most competitive prices.

Once they have booked their parking space, confirmation and directions will usually be sent through email. If you reserved through the phone at the last minute it will be sent through fax. The confirmation will be needed at the reception of the airport parking facility so it's best to take it with you. There are also maximum sizes for vehicles so it's best to read the conditions carefully. There are also facilities for the disabled.

All airport parking spaces are well guarded. They have surveillance cameras, patrols, well lighted and operate 24 hours and 365 days a year, some have undercover parking. Price of the parking space will depend on how long your vehicle will stay parked.

The first thing that travellers must take into consideration is the location of the airport parking company. Travellers can choose to reserve a parking space within or outside of the airport. All airport parking companies have buses or shuttles to transfer passengers to the airport after they have checked in their car. Most of them will require you to leave your car keys.

For less worry opt for chauffeur services, it may cost you more but it's hassle free. All you have to do is give the chauffeur your car keys before your departure. They will be the one responsible to take you car into a secure parking area. Upon your arrival, they will be the one to collect your car and return it to you at the terminal.

Cheaper airport parking will require you do a bit more. Travellers will have to check in their car and be transferred to the airport. The usual discounts offered are 40% off.

Try and book at an airport car park that's as close to the airport as possible. This means less transfer time. The parking must also be easy to find and close to the terminal you are going. Off airport parking may require more time for transfer but the ride is free.

Think ahead

Booking online is a very easy task. It only takes about 5 minutes any payments are made with a credit card. Transfer time can take as long as 15 to 30 minutes so it's important to get to the airport earlier to be able to park your car. Parking at Manchester airport is easy as long as you plan ahead and book in advance. No matter how busy an airport is preparation is always the key.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Sekjen PBB Khawatirkan Korban Gempa Haiti

Video Gempa Haiti, Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Ban Ki-moon mengatakan waktu sudah hampir habis untuk menyelamatkan orang yang terperangkap dalam reruntuhan akibat gempa yang mengguncang ibukota Haiti.

Hari Jumat, Ban mengatakan operasi SAR tetap dilanjutkan, tapi kesempatan mulai menipis untuk menyelamatkan para korban.

Palang merah memperkirakan antara 45 ribu hingga 50 ribu orang tewas akibat gempa Selasa. Sebagian yang selamat berkeliling kota Port-au Prince Jumat, sambil bernyanyi untuk menunjukkan solidaritas.

Warga Haiti sangat membutuhkan pangan, air dan obat-obatan. Sekjen PBB Ban Ki-moon meminta bantuan 550 juta dolar dari komunitas internasional guna memenuhi kebutuhan itu.

Bantuan internasional mulai berdatangan ke Haiti, tapi tumpukan puing di jalanan dan terbatasnya kapasitas Bandara membuatnya sulit untuk mengantarkan pasokan bagi ke tiga juta orang yang terkena dampak gempa itu.

Kapal induk Amerika (USS Carl Vinson) dengan membawa 19 helikopter sudah tiba di lepas pantai Haiti hari Jumat untuk berperan sebagai bandara terapung.
President Barack Obama (undated photo)

Sementara itu, Presiden Barack Obama menjanjikan dukungan Amerika sepenuhnya bagi pemulihan segera Haiti dan upaya jangka panjang untuk membangun kembali negara itu dari gempa bumi dahsyat pekan ini.

Presiden Obama mengatakan Amerika akan melakukan segala yang mungkin dibutuhkan guna menyelamatkan jiwa dan membuat warga Haiti kembali mandiri. Ia membahas krisis itu dengan Presiden Haiti René Préval Jumat dalam apa yang digambarkan Presiden Obama sebagai percakapan telepon yang "emosional".

Rumah Preval musnah dan ia tidak bisa terhubung dengan pemerintahannya setelah gempa Selasa yang menyebabkan istana kepresidenan dan kantor-kantor kementerian pemerintah runtuh.

Amerika telah memberi Presiden Haiti itu peralatan komunikasi guna memulihkan pemerintahannya yang berantakan. Washington juga telah menjanjikan 100 juta dolar untuk upaya pemulihan, telah menggelar kapal-kapal dan ribuan tentara.

Jurubicara Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika PJ Crowley mengatakan Amerika dan negara lain kini hendak bekerja dengan pemerintahan Haiti yang sah, bukan untuk menggantikannya.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Mental Discipline - Memory Retrieval

Ramalan Bintang Terbaru, Being able to retrieve information from the mind quickly during a game is of utmost importance for a grappler or combat athlete. This is the information that you developed during training and preparation, such as

• your game plan
• strategies and tactics
• moves and grappling or combat athletics techniques that you want to use
• visual imagery of the moves

Memory retrieval techniques: There are innumerable memory retrieval techniques available that are used in diverse fields like business, financial planning, military planning, education, and so on. The techniques given below have been chosen because of their relevance for grappling and combat athletics and have been adapted to suit grapplers and combat athletes. The two methods can be used in tandem for greater effectiveness, since they complement each other:

1) Image Cue Technique

Ideally a grappler or combat athlete should practice techniques innumerable times during practice and further rehearse them through visualization so that he/she develops an almost automatic retrieval process in his/her mind. But many athletes find it difficult to recall their moves. Memory retrieval of moves and techniques can be quite a quick process if you use certain cues. For instance, let's say if you are about to perform a certain takedown and you planned and practiced to execute it in a particular way during training. At the spur of the moment, you have to be able to retrieve this information. The method that you can use to retrieve the information is to give yourself a cue- at that point. This is called a 'context cue' since it is relevant in that particular instance. The minute you decide to use the move, the cue should be activated in your mind, and this will retrieve your technique for you. You can activate the cue using images stored in your mind during visualization.

Activating the cue using images

Quite simply you have to make an association between your moves and certain mental images of those moves. These image cues can be created during your visualization process in the days preceding the game. You will basically link certain situations in the game to mental images of relevant moves that you want to use. Retrieving image cues is ideal for a sport like grappling or combat athletics where grapplers and combat athletes do much of their strategizing through imagery.

For instance, the image of the first step in a certain takedown move can serve as an image cue to retrieve the technique for you. You can also build fluidity into your image cues to take you from one step to the next in sequence as you action your move. To create these fluid image cues, the process of visualization has to be extremely vivid so that the images stored in your mind are as comprehensible as possible.

2) Structured Memory Technique

The structured memory technique allows you to store your game plan in a structured manner, and the retrieval pattern will be based on that structure. The structure is based on different stages in a grappling or combat athletics encounter and can be decided by you based on the game requirements.

An example of a broad list of areas into which your game plan can "be classified to make retrieval from memory structured is presented next.

Stages in game

Memory retrieval

• Just prior to start of match
• At the start of the match
• Mind-game
• Opponent going on the offensive
• Defense
• Submission moves • Recall key points in your strategy
• Start moves: What moves will you begin with?
• What do you want to do as the game progresses?
• It's time for your most powerful m6ves
• What do you have in your arsenal to counter your opponent?
• Recall the alternatives stored in your memory and quickly choose the most suitable one

The Structured Memory Technique stores and retrieves information relevant to different stages of the game, while the Image Cue Technique helps retrieve moves and styles precisely the way you want to execute them. The two techniques can be combined to make the process of memory retrieval complete.

Method to improve memory function and retrieval for grapplers or combat athletes:

The capacity to link what we view with images stored in the brain gives us the ability to recall information in our memory. The human brain has 10-12 billion cells known as neurons. These neurons carry out the brain functions through electrical impulses that move from one neuron to the next. It is through this process of transmission that learning and memory occurs.

The brain actually has two hemispheres, the right brain and the left-brain. According to researchers, each hemisphere in the brain has different functions. The right brain controls mental imagery, creativity, perception and appreciation of art. The left brain is specialized in logic, mathematical calculations, writing and languages.

There are breathing techniques in yoga therapy that can assist the right brain function and help a grappler or combat athlete recall stored mental images easily. Slow inhalation and even slower exhalation is taught in this technique and the process has to be followed over several cycles. It can be learned quite easily at a yoga center or through a yoga practitioner.

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

All About Your Rat Chinese Horoscope

Ramalan Bintang China, To some people being a rat sound like a awful thing. In the U.S.A. we associate it with someone who is sneaky or who tells another person's secret. This is where we get the phrase "rat someone out," it means to tell on someone for doing something that they shouldn't; however in Chinese horoscope the rat is a person who is smart, quick witted and well liked.

The following years are considered to be the year of the rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, and 2008. If you believe you were born in the year of the rat you would be wise to look it up on a Chinese calendar. The Chinese New Year falls on a different day every year!

People who were born in the year of the rat are thought of as very talented. They are usually thoughtful, inquisitive, imaginative and very curious. Although there are many positives to being born in the year of the rat there are some negatives as well. People who were born in a rat year tend to need a lot of stimulation, mentally as well as physically. This can often make them appear needy or clingy. Sometimes if a rat feels that he is lacking this stimulation, he will try to take on too many tasks at one time to over compensate. This often results in the rat letting people down. If a rat feels as if they have taken on too much they may not complete all of their projects.

Diamonds are a rat's best friend! Rats also seem to enjoy garnet and amethyst. Many of them are drawn to blue hues. You might find may light blue shirts in their closet. Those born in Rat years seem to enjoy basket ball. They are also a creative bunch. Many of them love to draw and paint.

Because rats are so witty, they tend to be great conversationalists. They tend to have lots of friends, because they possess the ability to put the minds of others at ease. They are also easy to talk to and can find something to say about almost anything.

Many careers are available for those born in the year of the rat. Because they enjoy doing household chores, they tend to be great homemakers. Many rats are researchers or historians. This is because rats are naturally curious and want to know all there is to know. Because of the rat's leadership abilities they also make fantastic managers, administrators and directors.

Rats tend to make great lovers. They are passionate about life and it really shine through. They make great parents and love their children dearly.

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

Label Triumphs for Second Consecutive Yea

Good Girls Go Bad and For the second year in a row, Atlantic Records ranks as the #1 label in the music industry -- with the biggest U.S. total album market share of 2009. As reported by Nielsen SoundScan (for calendar year ending January 3), Atlantic wrapped up the year with an 8.23% Year-To-Date current album market share, and a 7.33% Year-To-Date total album market share (current and catalog combined). Atlantic is also far and away the leader in current digital album market share for 2009, at 8.45%.

Atlantic Records posted 19 albums in the Top Twenty on the Billboard 200 in the course of 2009, including 11 Top Ten debuts. In Billboard magazine's year-end charts, five out of the top twenty Artists of the Year were part of the Atlantic family -- including T.I. (Grand Hustle/Atlantic), Flo Rida (Poe Boy/Atlantic), Jason Mraz (Atlantic), Zac Brown Band (Home Grown/Big Picture/Atlantic), and Roadrunner Records' Nickelback.

Atlantic released a wide range of hugely successful digital singles in 2009, with 27 included in the year's Top 200 Digital Songs tally -- including Flo Rida's "Right Round," which sold over four million downloads and holds the record for most digital singles sold in a single week. 15 Atlantic songs sold over one million downloads each in 2009, and the company has the #1 and #3 best-selling digital songs of all time: Flo Rida's "Low," with over five million downloads, and Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours," with over four million downloads.

"To have reached the #1 spot in 2008 was hugely gratifying; to have done it again in 2009 is thrilling confirmation that we are on course with our long-term strategy," said Atlantic Chairman/CEO Craig Kallman. "Atlantic has just wrapped up our most successful two-year period in more than two decades. What is most significant is that we have achieved this with a smaller roster and fewer releases, as we have shifted our mission from being a traditional record company to an A&R-driven music content company where focused, deep, and long-term artist development is king. I'd like to thank our brilliant artists and passionate staff for coming together to realize the vision of the new Atlantic in 2009 and beyond."

"When we began rearchitecting the new model Atlantic in 2004, our goal was to live everywhere the consumer lives, to find innovative and compelling ways to offer music from a diversity of artists at every stage of their careers," said Atlantic Chairman/COO Julie Greenwald. "We have come a long way in the past five years, building a company that is breaking new ground, seizing every opportunity, and exploring every platform to get our music heard. We live for our artists, and it is our belief in them that fuels our passion and our determination. In these challenging times, music is a more dynamic and vital force than ever, and I join with Craig in congratulating our fantastic roster and staff for their amazing work."

Alongside its market share and chart achievements, Atlantic Records earned a cornucopia of gold and platinum certifications from the RIAA in 2009, with 19 Atlantic artists racking up gold, platinum, and/or multi-platinum awards. At the top of the leader board was Jason Mraz, whose single "I'm Yours" was certified quadruple platinum, while also making history by setting a new record for the longest-running single on the Billboard Hot 100, at 76 weeks. In addition, '09 saw Mraz's album "WE SING. WE DANCE. WE STEAL THINGS." (Atlantic) earn RIAA platinum, while another single from the album, the Grammy-nominated "Lucky" feat. Colbie Caillat, earned RIAA gold.

2009 saw Kid Rock score a triple platinum album for "ROCK N ROLL JESUS" (Top Dog/Atlantic), while T.I. racked up multiple RIAA certs, including a double platinum album for "PAPER TRAIL" (Grand Hustle/Atlantic), a pair of triple platinum singles for "Whatever You Like" and "Live Your Life" feat. Rihanna, and a double platinum award for his Grammy-nominated collaboration with Justin Timberlake, "Dead And Gone."

One of the year's biggest breakthrough stories, the triple-Grammy nominated Zac Brown Band earned a string of RIAA kudos, including a platinum album for "THE FOUNDATION" (Home Grown/Big Picture/Atlantic), a platinum single for "Chicken Fried," and a pair of gold singles for "Whatever It Is" and "Toes."

Record-breaking rapper Flo Rida made history again in 2009, when his RIAA five-times platinum single, "Low," was ranked as the #1 Digital Song of the Decade. Not one to rest on his laurels, Flo Rida also earned triple platinum in '09 for his smash "Right Round" single, as well as a platinum award for "Sugar" feat. Wynter. Both tracks are from his Grammy-nominated second album, "R.O.O.T.S." (Poe Boy/Atlantic).

The "TWILIGHT" saga not only made box office magic, but proved to be a musical sensation as well. Its first soundtrack album, the Grammy-nominated "TWILIGHT -- ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK" (Summit Ent/Chop Shop/Atlantic) debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200, was certified double platinum, and ranked as the #1 soundtrack of the year. The second album, "THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON -- ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK," released in October 2009, debuted at #2 on the Billboard 200, moved into the #1 spot in its second week on the chart, and has already been certified RIAA platinum. This marked the first time that both a soundtrack and its sequel have reached #1 on the chart.

Another top-charting Atlantic-distributed album, "DARK HORSE" by Grammy-nominated Roadrunner recording group Nickelback, earned an RIAA double platinum award and was ranked as Billboard's #3 album of the year. Also in the multi-platinum pantheon were Shinedown, whose smash single "Second Chance" (Atlantic) reached double-platinum status, as did 3OH!3's "Don't Trust Me" (Photo Finish/Atlantic). O.A.R. earned RIAA platinum for their "Shattered" single (Everfine/Atlantic), plus a bonus gold award for their 2005 single, "Love And Memories." Other platinum-scoring singles were "All The Above" from Maino (Hustle Hard/Atlantic), and Cobra Starship's "Good Girls Go Bad" feat. Leighton Meester (Decaydance/Fueled By Ramen).

Paramore landed a pair of RIAA gold certs in '09, including a gold music video award for "THE FINAL RIOT!" long form DVD (Fueled By Ramen) and a gold single for "Decode," their Grammy-nominated hit song from the "TWILIGHT" soundtrack (Summit Ent/Chop Shop/Atlantic). Also scoring gold was Trans-Siberian Orchestra with "NIGHT CASTLE" (Atlantic), the group's first new album in five years, who also landed a gold digital single in 2009 for their 1996 classic, "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24."

Rounding out Atlantic's bounty of RIAA awards for 2009 were a trio of gold singles: Rob Thomas's "Her Diamonds" (Emblem/Atlantic), Carolina Liar's "Show Me What I'm Looking For" (Atlantic), and Uncle Kracker's "Smile" (Top Dog/Atlantic). In addition, the year saw new RIAA certifications for several other releases from past years, including a double platinum single for Sean Paul's "Temperature" (VP/Atlantic), gold singles for Rob Thomas's "Ever The Same" (Melisma/Atlantic) and Death Cab For Cutie's "I Will Follow You Into The Dark" (Atlantic), and a gold album for Skillet's "COMATOSE" (Atlantic).

Atlantic's remarkable sales success is matched by the label's continuing artistic achievement, as reflected by the company's sweeping assortment of nominations for the upcoming 52nd Annual Grammy Awards. Atlantic and its affiliated labels and artists earned 25 nods, spanning a remarkable range of categories. Among the honorees are Zac Brown Band, Musiq Soulchild, and Pleasure P -- each with three nominations; and Jason Mraz, T.I., and Flo Rida -- with a pair of noms each. Individual nods went to Death Cab For Cutie, Trey Songz, Sean Paul, Tracy Chapman, Paramore, Nickelback, Megadeth, and both the "TWILIGHT" and "TRUE BLOOD" soundtracks. In addition, the "1970-1975" Atlantic/Rhino boxed set from 2010 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees Genesis was nominated in the Best Surround Sound Album category.

The extraordinary history of Atlantic Records is celebrated in the just-released "ATLANTIC RECORDS: TIME CAPSULE," an unprecedented boxed set celebrating the iconic label's past and present through music, images, words, and memorabilia. The most comprehensive project ever devoted to the Atlantic story, this numbered, limited edition 10-disc CD/DVD collection spans the label's entire history, from its inception in 1947 to the present day. For more details, please visit: http://atlantictimecapsule.com

Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Mengenai Film Suster Keramas

Video Film Suster Keramas dibantah dilarang di Banjarmasin. Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Cabang Samarinda membantah telah mengharamkan untuk menonton film Suster Keramas.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan produser rumah produksi Maxima Pictures Ody Mulya Hidayat saat berbincang dengan okezone di Jakarta, Sabtu (2/12/2009).

Ody mengungkapkan, beberapa hari lalu dia bertemu dengan Ketua MU Cabang Samarinda, KH Zaini Naim. Ody mempertanyakan, masalah-masalah terkait film Suster Keramas.

“Saat itu Pak Kyai membantah kalau dia mengharamkan film tersebut. Pak Kyai hanya menolak secara moral saja,” katanya.

Hal itu terjadi sebelum adanya pemutaran film secara terbatas di Samarinda. Kemudian, setelah ada pemutaran film tersebut, Ketua Infokom Departemen Pariwisata Samarinda, Ibu Laksmi menyatakan tidak ada masalah dengan film tersebut.

“Dia bilang. Intinya tidak ada apa-apa,” ungkapnya.

Sebelumnya, sejumlah bioskop di Samarinda tidak berani memutar film Suster Keramas sebelum ada keputusan dari MUI. Akibatnya, pemutaran film perdana secara serentak yang digelar Kamis 31 Desember, di Samarinda tertunda.

Dan hari itu, film diputar hanya untuk kalangan tersebut. Di dalamnya ada MUI dan Departemen Pariwisata setempat