Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Gentleman's Dream Lifestyle in Southeast Asia

Joseph refo - Divorced or lonely gentlemen, don't feel blue, keep reading this Great News for You!

The single gentleman of love for asian ladies have found paradise in Southeast Asia.

They have discovered love and retirement in their tropical paradise.

In Southeast Asia, especially the Phillipines, there is some good hearted ladies waiting for a respectable gentleman.

Meeting these charming ladies is fun, a lot of FUN!

So if you have just split up or haven't been dating for a while, relax as you are in a good position.

You are free to date whoever you like, that's something to take advantage of while you CAN.

You will be in a relationship again sometime and not be able to experience the variety of women you can right NOW!!

The Phillipines is a Goldmine for single men. It would be insane to ignore the potential and availability of women here.

So don't go thinking that you are desperate or strange for going to Southeast Asia.

Joseph Refo Bunuh Istrinya Maria Reni Widowati - Many single gentlemen go to Southeast Asia. It is the best value and effective way for meeting women today.

There are thousands of lovely ladies in the Philippines who really want to give their heart to a nice gentleman who will respect and care for them. You will get over boiled with much effection and dedication in return.

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Being Enrolled for Private Drum Tutorial

The drum is a member of the percussion family and is one of the earliest acknowledged musical instruments in the world. The chronicle of the drum is long and noted. The drums are also very therapeutic which makes it an ideal instrument to check off for those who wishing to beat off some stress and tension.

One of the rewards of one on one drum tuition is convenience. Personal tutors normally have much time than teachers who teach in music school so they do not have to clock off during a particular time, schedules of the lesson can be changed to admit the student and instructor. This will also make it easier for your teacher to learn you at your rate or replicate instructions until you master a technique. It will also be simpler to correct wrong habits before they become permanent

Since you are the trainor's only concern during lessons, this would imply that you can call for certain styles variables directly from your teacher. Some drum scholars would need to determine to a greater extent practical and less theory and those who prefer the opposite. You can also ask to learn particular musical styles which interest you more, like for instance, jazz or reggae rather of metal or pop.

They are also very ideal for scholars who would like to learn for recreation as they have the proper direction and will quickly discover to appreciate the drums and attain their finishes.

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Getting Paid To Drive

There seems to be a never ending fascination to the notion that some people get paid to drive their cars. While it is true that a few lucky people are able to do this, the entire field of paid to drive opportunities has changed dramatically over the last few years.

The get paid to drive concept was at the height of its popularity during the Internet bubble of the late 1990s. Roadside advertising was near capacity leaving the many companies that wanted to advertise their service or product to those driving in their cars without a place to do so. At this time, billboard and other traditional advertising space along busy roads and highways was severely limited and prices for such space was rising fast.

One solution to this advertising shortage was addressed with car wraps. Basically, the advertiser would wrap their advertisement around a car (instead of on a billboard) for everyone to see. This way companies could advertise their products or services to reach people driving along the roads in areas where they couldn't get advertising space on billboards.

The car wrap gained popularity through the 1990s when traditional billboard advertising remained tight, but when billboard advertising softened in the late 1990s, this took a heavy toll on the car wrap advertising companies. Today, only a fraction of those that were once in business remain so.

Most car wrap companies that remain have had to reinvent themselves as niche advertisers for specialty campaigns and that is where they remain at this point. For certain advertising campaigns, the auto wrap still has an appeal of being different than typical advertising campaign.

From time to time there will be a company that is looking for a unique advertising campaign, and the auto wrap can offer a cost effective way of getting their brand name out there. In this case, a company would "rent" space on individual private citizen's cars. In return for letting the company "wrap" the car with their advertisement, they'll compensate the car owner with a monthly payment. The payment can be as high as $400 a month for a full car wrap and lesser amounts for a partial car wrap or a window wrap.

The catch is that there are far more drivers wanting to be paid to drive than advertising campaigns available. If you don't drive a lot of miles (typically over 800 miles a month) or live in a highly populated area where the advertisement will be seen by a lot of people, your chances of being chosen are slim.

While the chances of getting paid to drive today are not very good, they are still better than playing the lottery. If you believe your car and location would be desirable to advertisers, it could be worth contacting auto wrap companies directly to see if you can get on their list. If you are lucky and do get picked, you will significantly reduce your driving expenses with little effort on your part.

Sunan kalijaga Pacari Jennifer Dunn

Video jennifer Dunn Ciuman telah membuat orang cukup heboh juga jadinya. Kuasa hukum muda Sunan Kalijaga, SH, yang mendampingi terdakwa Jenifer Dunn atas dugaan kepemilikan tujuh pil ektasi, merasa bahwa hubungan dengan kliennya itu tidak termasuk cinta terlarang, mengingat ia sudah beristri dan beranak dua.

"Tergantung dari kacamata siapa orang melihatnya, kalau memang yang di rumah (istri) saya terganggu silakan konfirmasi kepada yang di rumah," ujar Sunan di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Barat, Kamis (11/2/2010).

Sunan pun mengelak bahwa ia telah mengesampingkan perasaan seorang istri. "Saya belum pernah menjadi seorang istri yah," kilahnya.

Sunan bahkan enggan menanggapi ungkapan cinta Jenifer yang disampaikan kepada wartawan. "Saya tidak dengar kok statement-nya. Saya hanya teman dekat dan baik," imbuhnya.

Namun, lagi-lagi Sunan tak berkutik ketika sebuah status Facebook dari akun Jenifer Dunn yang tertulis "I Love U" dibacakan para peliput. "Saya tidak bisa bicara apa-apa, kan kalian sudah ada jawaban dari Jennifer seperti apa," tangkis Sunan.

Lebih jauh, saat disinggung seperti apa sosok Jenifer, Sunan pun enggan berkomentar pasti. "Wah berat tuh pertanyaannya. Saya no comment deh," ucap Sunan. Dengan adanya isu tersebut, secara profesional Sunan mengaku tak akan terganggu. "Saya rasa tidak karena dua hal yang berbeda antara kepastian hukum dan pribadi Jennifer," elaknya. "Yah sampai selesai akan saya dampingi," pungkas Sunan.

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Makna Hari Valentine

Tentang Puisi Valentine yang akan segera kita jelang beberapa hari lagi, kita semua tahu bahwa hari valentine ini kita mesti berbenah diri serta hati.Hari kasih sayang atau yang lebih sering disebut Valentine's Day yang jatuh setiap tanggal 14 Februari sangat lekat dengan coklat dan bunga. Tak ayal, semakin mendekati hari tersebut produsen coklat menikmati limpahan order maupun kenaikan omzet yang cukup membumbung tinggi dengan momen setahun sekali ini.

Produsen coklat bermerek Floren, Yusak Yany Tendean mengatakan setiap momen Valentine's Day, usahanya kebanjiran order hingga tiga kali lipat jumlahnya dibandingkan kondisi normal.

Kalau biasanya selama bulan selain Januari-Februari hanya memproduksi coklat sebanyak 600 kilogram hingga 800 kilogram. Tetapi, menjelang hari kasih sayang ini jumlah produksinya meningkat hingga 3 ton per bulan.

“Kenaikan order coklat Valentine sudah terasa sejak pertengahan bulan Desember lalu. Dengan begitu, saya pun menambah jumlah karyawan dari 8 orang menjadi 12 orang. selain itu, jam kerjanya pun ditambah dari 8 jam per hari, kini menjadi 18 jam per hari dengan pergantian shif tanpa hari libur,” kata dia kepada VIVAnews di Solo, Senin, 8 Februari 2010.

Melonjaknya order pesanan, menurut Yusak karena setiap momen Valentine’s Day jumlah varian bentuk coklat cukup banyak, yakni hingga mencapai 16 item. Padahal, jika hari-hari normal dirinya mengaku hanya memproduksi coklat lolypop ukuran berat 20 gram yang harganya sekitar Rp 1.500 per biji.

“Sekarang ini selain memproduksi coklat lolypop juga membuat coklat berbentuk hati, bunga hingga tulisan Valentine’s Day yang dikemas dalam wadah mika maupun toples. Coklat kombinasi warna pink dengan ukuran berat hingga 170 gram dibanderoli harga Rp 20.000 per toples. Yang paling laku adalah coklat-coklat tersebut. Jadi, wajar kalau jumlah produksinya naik hingga tiga kali lipat,” akunya.

Yusak memproduksi coklat sudah sekitar 12 tahun lalu. Maka tidak heran, jika jumlah outlet yang menjual coklat hasil produksinya mencapai 1.000 outlet yang tersebar dari mulai semua wilayah di jawa Tengah, Cirebon, Jawa Timur hingga Bali. Selain itu, dirinya juga mengandalkan pemasaran coklatnya melalui jaringan supermarket maupun minimarket.

“Itu bukan outlet resmi saya, namun hanya outlet yang menjual coklat Floren. Begitu ada even hari Valentine, outlet-outlet tersebut langsung meningkatkan jumlah order permintaan. Ya, karena order pesanan cukup banyak dalam even Valentine ini maka omzet penjualan yang saya peroleh naik hingga 10 kali lipat,” akunya.

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

How to Customise your Cellular

Blackberry Gemini - Our current choices of Cellular/Mobile handsets are really quite amazing, it seems that there is a phone to suit everyone, what ever your requirements and necessities. The features of our phones are ever increasing and we feel somewhat comforted by the multiple uses of our handsets. Almost everyone is sure to find a phone that will fit their needs, not just in the variety of the phones uses but also a handset that is aesthetically pleasing.

Blackberry - It might be the colour or the shape or even the feel of the phone or a combination of all three. To many individuals it is as important to them to be seen with a smart phone as it is to be seen with the latest hair cut or that great pair of jeans that are a must have item of the time. People are conscious of fashions and trends, of what they possess at the time and also of what others possess around them.

But what really makes people stand out is having something customised exactly to their tastes. We are able to dress up our phones with accessories that will change the colours of the handset or we can add flashing accessories and a whole host of modifications to make our phone unique. It gives us a feeling of being individual and aswell as being able to customise the hardware of the phone we find that we can also very easily customise the phone with content.

Ringtones are sounding better than they ever have, this is down to the handsets being able to handle more voices and Polyphonic Ringtones and Truetones sounding so much more pleasant compared to the ear piercing and harsh tones that used to emit from our bulky handsets years ago.

The choice of Cellular/Mobile content is enormous, with sites like providing a constantly growing library of everything from Ringtones and Truetones to Video, Games and Screensavers to brighten up your handset. Customising your phone can be done very quickly and with a number of options to obtain the required content means that it will take up very little time of anyone’s day.

The fun part is that you get to show off to the world, well at least your friends and family, the unique looks and sounds of your Cellular/Mobile phone, and if you get bored of the Ringtone on your phone it is just a case of taking a look at the huge amount of content available and in no time your handset will be feeling like brand new again with the great sounding Tones available or Games to keep you occupied or what ever you choose.

The future looks even brighter for the Cellular/Mobile world with new technologies always in the pipeline ensuring that we will all have new features and new ways of upgrading and customising our handsets.

Changing our phones appearance both inside and out is just a matter of choosing what we like best and what we feel says something about us personally. We are all unique and we like to show that in our lives when ever possible, the good thing is that the choice for us is huge, all we have to do is choose